22-14A-11. Intentional use of device or explosive to cause serious bodily injury–Felony. Any person who explodes or ignites any destructive device or explosive with intent to cause serious bodily injury and which results in serious bodily injury is guilty of a Class 2 felony. Source: SL 1972, ch 140, §§7 to 9; SDCL Supp, §§22-14A-9, […]
22-14A-13. Unauthorized possession of substances with intent to make destructive device as felony. Any person who possesses any substance, material, or any combination of substances or materials, with the intent to make a destructive device without first obtaining a permit from the Department of Public Safety to make such device, is guilty of a Class […]
22-14A-16. Armed forces, national guard, law enforcement agencies, and licensed sellers or users of explosives and destructive devices exempt. The provisions of this chapter do not apply to the armed forces of the United States, the National Guard, any law enforcement agency or any officer, agent, employee, or member thereof, acting in a lawful capacity, […]
22-14A-18. Use of explosive or device to destroy another’s property–Felony. Any person who intentionally destroys or attempts to destroy by the use of any explosive or destructive device, any property real or personal, not the property of such person, although done under such circumstances as not to endanger the life or safety of any human […]
22-14A-19. Use of explosive or device to endanger human life or safety–Felony. Any person who intentionally, by the use of an explosive or destructive device, destroys or injures any occupied or unoccupied structure, motor vehicle, street, highway, railway, bridge, dam, dike, or other structure, by means of which the life or safety of any human […]
22-14A-20. Placement of explosive or device as to endanger human life or safety–Felony. Any person who takes into, upon, under, against, or near to any occupied or unoccupied structure, motor vehicle, street, highway, railway, bridge, dam, dike, or other structure, any explosive or destructive device, with intent to destroy or injure such structure, under circumstances […]
22-14A-21. Possession of registered or licensed destructive devices permitted. Any person may possess destructive devices that are registered with, or licensed by, the state or federal government pursuant to law. Source: SL 1976, ch 158, §14A-13; SL 1977, ch 189, §40.
22-14A-23. Use of or placing hazardous or injurious devices on public land–Misdemeanor–Hazardous or injurious device defined. No person may, with the intent to cause bodily injury to another person, use or place a hazardous or injurious device on any land owned or leased by the State of South Dakota, including any highway, road, or right-of-way. […]
22-14A-24. Use of substance or device to communicate felonious threat–Felony. Any person who intentionally communicates a threat by leaving a substance or device, thereby causing either serious public inconvenience, or the evacuation or serious disruption of a building, place of assembly, facility of public or school transport, or a school related event, is guilty of […]
22-14A-25. Use of hoax substance or device to cause fear–Felony. Any person who intentionally possesses, transports, uses, or places any hoax substance or hoax destructive device with the intent of causing anxiety, unrest, fear, or personal discomfort is guilty of a Class 6 felony. A hoax substance is any substance that would cause a person […]
22-14A-26. Persons convicted of certain crimes may be ordered to make restitution. The court may, after conviction or adjudication of any violation of §22-11-9.2, 22-14A-24, or 22-14A-25, conduct a hearing to ascertain the extent of costs incurred, damages, and financial loss suffered by local, county, or state public safety agencies, and the amount of property […]
22-14A-27. No cause of action against good faith response to felonious threat. The provisions of §22-11-9.2, 22-14A-24, or 22-14A-25 may not be construed to create any cause of action against any person based upon or arising out of any act or omission relating to any good faith response to a felonious threat or an attempted […]
22-14A-4. Sale, transportation, or possession of destructive device–Felony. Any person who knowingly sells, offers for sale, transports, or possesses any destructive device is guilty of a Class 4 felony. If such person has been previously convicted of a crime of violence in this state or elsewhere, the offense is a Class 3 felony. Source: SL […]
22-14A-5. Carrying or placing explosive or device on vehicle or in baggage–Felony. Any person who, with intent to injure or to threaten to injure any person or property: (1)Carries any explosive or destructive device on any vessel, aircraft, motor vehicle, or other vehicle that transports passengers for hire; (2)Places or carries any explosive or destructive […]
22-14A-6. Possession of explosive or device with intent to injure, intimidate, or destroy property–Felony. Any person who has in his or her possession any explosive or destructive device under circumstances not described in §22-14A-5, with intent to injure, intimidate, or terrify any person, or with intent to wrongfully injure or destroy any property, is guilty […]