32-12A-1. Definitions. Terms used in this chapter mean: (1)”Alcohol,” any substance containing any form of alcohol; (2)”Commercial driver license,” or “CDL,” a license issued in accordance with the requirements of this chapter to an individual that authorizes the individual to drive a class of commercial motor vehicle; (3)”Commercial driver license information system,” or “CDLIS,” the […]
32-12A-10. Adoption of rules regarding farm exemption of 32-12A-9. The department may adopt rules pursuant to chapter 1-26 to establish the maximum number of miles from a person’s farm that the exemption provided by subdivision 32-12A-9(1) shall apply. Source: SL 1989, ch 267, §7A; SDCL §32-12-86; SL 2001, ch 171, §115.
32-12A-11. Knowledge and skills tests required–Waiver–Restrictions–Violation as misdemeanor. No person may be issued a commercial learner’s permit unless that person is a resident of this state and has passed the required knowledge test. No person may be issued a commercial driver license unless that person is a resident of this state, has received driver training […]
32-12A-12. Issuance of commercial learner’s permit–Renewal–Restrictions on vehicle operation. A commercial learner’s permit may be issued to a person eighteen years of age who holds a valid operator’s license. No commercial learner’s permit may be issued for a period to exceed one year. No commercial learner’s permit may be renewed without the holder having to […]
32-12A-12.1. Passenger, school bus, and tanker endorsements on commercial learner’s permits. A commercial learner’s permit holder is not eligible to take the skills test in the first fourteen days after initial issuance of the permit. A commercial learner’s permit may only be issued with passenger, school bus, or tanker endorsements. No other commercial endorsement is […]
32-12A-13.Nondomiciled commercial learner’s permit or commercial driver license. The department may issue a nondomiciled commercial learner’s permit or commercial driver license to: (1)A person who is domiciled in a foreign jurisdiction whose commercial motor vehicle testing and licensing standards, as determined by the administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, do not meet the […]
32-12A-14.Requirements of application. The application for a commercial learner’s permit or commercial driver license, shall include the following: (1)The full legal name and current mailing and residential address of the applicant; (2)A physical description of the applicant including sex, height, weight, and eye color; (3)Date of birth; (4)The applicant’s social security number; (5)The applicant’s signature; […]
32-12A-14.1. Documents with applicant’s name and residence address to be presented with application. Any applicant under the provisions of this chapter shall, on making application for a commercial learner’s permit or commercial driver license, present to the examiner at least two documents containing the applicant’s name and address of principal residence as defined in §32-12-1 […]
32-12A-14.2. Applicants permitted three attempts to pass license examination. Any application under this chapter shall be accompanied by the proper fee. Payment of the fee entitles the applicant to not more than three attempts to pass the commercial driver license examination within a period of six months from the date of application. Any application for […]
32-12A-15. Commercial driver license fee–Additional fees. The application fee for a commercial driver license is thirty-three dollars. For each commercial driver license endorsement knowledge test administered, the fee is fifteen dollars. The fee for a duplicate license, a name change, or an address change is fifteen dollars. The fee shall be credited to the state […]
32-12A-16. Issuance of duplicate license. If the holder of a commercial driver license changes that person’s name, mailing address, or residential address, application for a duplicate license shall be made. Source: SL 1989, ch 267, §11; SDCL §32-12-91; SL 2001, ch 171, §§84, 115.
32-12A-17. Restriction on operation under learner’s permit or driver license issued by another jurisdiction. No person who has been a resident of this state for thirty days may drive a commercial motor vehicle under the authority of a commercial learner’s permit or commercial driver license issued by another jurisdiction. Source: SL 1989, ch 267, §12; […]
32-12A-18. Disqualification of commercial driving privileges for use of false information. If any person knowingly falsifies information or certifications required by this chapter, the department shall disqualify that person’s commercial driving privileges for a period of at least sixty consecutive days. Source: SL 1989, ch 267, §13; SDCL §32-12-93; SL 2001, ch 171, §§86, 115; […]
32-12A-2. Construction of this chapter with general driver licensing provisions. To the extent that this chapter conflicts with the general driver licensing provisions of chapter 32-12, chapter 32-12A prevails. Where this chapter is silent, the general driver licensing provisions of chapter 32-12 apply. Source: SL 1989, ch 267, §1A; SDCL §32-12-78; SL 2001, ch 171, […]
32-12A-20. Form and contents of commercial driver license. The commercial driver license shall be marked, Commercial Driver License, shall be, to the maximum extent practicable, tamper proof, and shall include the following information: (1)The full legal name, address of principal residence, and mailing address of the licensee; (2)A full facial digital photograph of the licensee; […]
32-12A-20.1. Social security number on license prohibited. No commercial driver license issued after June30, 2005, may contain the licensee’s social security number. Source: SL 2005, ch 166, §4.
32-12A-20.2.Veteran designation on license or permit. A designation that the licensee is a veteran shall be indicated on the license or permit issued pursuant to this chapter if the licensee: (1)Is an honorably discharged veteran having served in the armed forces of the United States; (2)Has requested the designation on the license or permit; and […]
32-12A-21. Privileges conferred by learner’s permit or driver license–Classifications of permits and licenses. The holder of a valid commercial learner’s permit or commercial driver license may drive any vehicle in the class for which that license is issued, and any lesser class of vehicle, except a motorcycle. No person may drive a vehicle requiring an […]
32-12A-22. License endorsements. The endorsements to a commercial driver license shall be as follows: (1)T –Double/triple trailers; (2)P –Passengers; (3)N –Tank vehicles; (4)H –Hazardous materials; (5)X –Combination tank vehicles and hazardous materials; and (6)S –School bus. Source: SL 1989, ch 267, §17; SDCL §32-12-97; SL 2001, ch 171, §§89, 115.
32-12A-22.1. Exemption from hazardous materials endorsement for certain persons with Class A combination vehicle license. A person with a commercial driver license that has a Class A combination vehicle classification is not required to obtain a hazardous materials endorsement pursuant to this chapter if the person is: (1)Acting within the scope of the person’s employment […]