34-29A-1. Definition of terms. Terms as used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, mean: (1)”Boiler,” a closed vessel in which water is heated, steam is generated, steam is superheated, or any combination thereof, under pressure or vacuum, for use externally to itself by the direct application of heat from the combustion of fuels, […]
34-29A-10. Replacement of lost or destroyed commission. If a commission is lost or destroyed, a new commission shall be issued in its place without another examination. Source: SL 1973, ch 229, §13.
34-29A-11. Hearing on qualifications of special inspector–Revocation of commission. If the chief inspector has reason to believe that a special inspector is no longer qualified to hold his commission, the Department of Public Safety shall, upon not less than ten days’ written notice to the inspector and his employer, hold a hearing at which such […]
34-29A-12. Suspension of special inspector’s commission–Grounds–Notice–Appeal. A special inspector’s commission may be suspended by the Department of Public Safety after due investigation and recommendation by the chief inspector, for the incompetence or untrustworthiness of the holder thereof or for willful falsification of any matter or statement contained in his application or in a report of […]
34-29A-13. Reinstatement of suspended commission. A person whose commission has been suspended shall be entitled to apply, after ninety days from the date of suspension, for reinstatement of such commission. Source: SL 1973, ch 229, §12.
34-29A-14. Boilers exempt from application of chapter. This chapter does not apply to the following boilers: (1)Boilers under federal control; (2)Boilers located on farms if the farm is not regularly open to the general public and the boiler is used solely for agricultural or horticultural purposes; (3)Heating boilers which are located in private residences or […]
34-29A-14.1. Rules and regulations for inspection of historic power boilers. The Department of Public Safety shall promulgate rules, pursuant to chapter 1-26, to provide for the inspection of those historic power boilers otherwise exempt from the provisions of this chapter by §34-29A-14. The rules shall provide for the inspection of such boilers and for a […]
34-29A-14.2. Inspectors of historic power boilers. The Department of Public Safety may appoint inspectors to assist in the inspection of historic power boilers as provided by §34-29A-14.1. The department shall promulgate rules, pursuant to chapter 1-26, to establish the qualifications and to provide for the examination of these appointed inspectors. Source: SL 1989, ch 300, […]
34-29A-16. Program of boiler inspection established by department–Rules. The Department of Public Safety shall establish a program of boiler inspection for safety and uniformity in the use of boilers. The secretary of public safety may adopt reasonable and necessary rules to protect the health or safety of persons from boiler explosions and like emergencies. Such […]
34-29A-2. Inspectors within department. There shall be within the Department of Public Safety a chief boiler inspector (referred to hereinafter as the “chief inspector”) who shall be selected as provided in §34-29A-3 and such deputy inspectors as may be required, selected as provided in §34-29A-4. The chief inspector and the deputy inspectors may be employees […]
34-29A-22. Maximum allowable pressure of boilers–Computation. The maximum allowable pressure of a boiler carrying the ASME code symbol shall be determined by the applicable sections of the code under which it was constructed and stamped. The maximum allowable pressure of a boiler which does not carry the ASME code symbol shall be computed by formula […]
34-29A-23. Reuse of existing boilers. This chapter shall not be construed as in any way preventing the use, sale, or reinstallation of a boiler referred to in §34-29A-22 provided it has been made to conform to the rules and regulations of the Department of Public Safety governing existing installations and provided, further, it has not […]
34-29A-24. New boilers to conform to rules–Special installation and operation certificate. No boiler which does not conform to the rules and regulations of the Department of Public Safety governing new construction and installation may be installed and operated in this state after June 30, 1974, unless the boiler is of special design or construction, and […]
34-29A-25. Certificate required to operate boiler–Unauthorized operation as misdemeanor–Each day as separate offense. No person, firm, partnership, limited liability company, or corporation may operate in this state a boiler without a valid operation certificate. The operation of a boiler without the operation certificate, or at a pressure exceeding that specified in the operation certificate, by […]
34-29A-26. Inspections required for operating boilers–Frequency of inspection. Each boiler used or proposed to be used within this state, except boilers exempt under §34-29A-14, shall be thoroughly inspected as to their construction, installation and condition as follows: (1)Power boilers and high pressure, high temperature water boilers shall receive a certificate inspection annually which shall be […]
34-29A-27. Inspection of new boilers during construction–Construction outside state for use within state. All boilers, other than cast iron sectional boilers, installed in this state after June 30, 1974, shall be inspected during construction as required by the applicable rules and regulations of the Department of Public Safety by an inspector authorized to inspect boilers […]
34-29A-28. Persons authorized to make inspections. The inspections required in this chapter shall be made by the chief inspector, by a deputy inspector, or by a special inspector provided for in this chapter. Source: SL 1973, ch 229, §14.
34-29A-29. State inspectors’ access to premises for inspection during construction. The Department of Public Safety, the chief inspector, or any deputy inspector shall have free access, during reasonable hours, to any premises in the state where a boiler is being constructed for use in, or is being installed in, this state for the purpose of […]
34-29A-3. Qualifications and appointment of chief inspector. At any time that the office of the chief inspector may become vacant, the secretary of public safety shall appoint a person who shall have had at the time of such appointment not less than five years’ experience in the construction, installation, inspection, operation, maintenance, or repair of […]
34-29A-32. Variations in inspection requirements for operating equipment. Based upon documentation of actual service conditions by the owner or user of the operating equipment, the chief inspector in his discretion, may permit variations in the inspection requirements for operating equipment. Source: SL 1973, ch 229, §14.