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Home » US Law » 2022 South Dakota Codified Laws » Title 46A - Water Management » Chapter 03A - Water Development Districts--Establishment

Section 46A-3A-1 – Establishment of districts–Procedure–Political subdivision status.

46A-3A-1. Establishment of districts–Procedure–Political subdivision status. In order to attain the objectives and intent of chapters 46A-3A to 46A-3E, inclusive, and chapter 46A-2, the Legislature may establish water development districts. A water development district may be established by an act of the Legislature, signed by the Governor, describing the exact boundaries of the area to […]

Section 46A-3A-1.1 – Districts to promote conservation, development and management of resources–Serve as clearinghouse for water quality and supply projects.

46A-3A-1.1. Districts to promote conservation, development and management of resources–Serve as clearinghouse for water quality and supply projects. Water development districts shall promote the conservation, development, and proper management of district water resources according to district priorities and shall serve as a district-wide clearinghouse authority for water quality and supply projects through technical, organizational and […]

Section 46A-3A-10 – Approval of petition–Referral to election.

46A-3A-10. Approval of petition–Referral to election. If a petition proposing organization of a water development district is presented to the Board of Water and Natural Resources, the board, after first determining that the petition is in compliance with the required provisions by resolution shall approve the petition for establishment of the proposed water development district […]

Section 46A-3A-11 – Ballots on establishment.

46A-3A-11. Ballots on establishment. The question of forming a water development district shall be presented upon a separate ballot, which shall be prepared by the Board of Water and Natural Resources, and, insofar as applicable, shall be in the form prescribed by the general election laws. Source: SL 1984 (SS), ch 1, §13D.

Section 46A-3A-12 – Conduct of election.

46A-3A-12. Conduct of election. An election to form a water development district shall be conducted, canvassed, recounted, and contested as elections under the general laws of this state, except as otherwise herein provided, and except where the general laws are inapplicable. If the details concerning the conduct, canvassing, recounting, or contest of the election are […]

Section 46A-3A-13 – Separate districts for election–Vote required.

46A-3A-13. Separate districts for election–Vote required. Any municipality included within the area comprising a proposed water development district shall constitute a separate election district. That area of any county wholly or partially included in a proposed water development district, and which is outside the corporate limits of a municipality, shall also constitute a separate election […]

Section 46A-3A-15 – Resolution creating district–Filing.

46A-3A-15. Resolution creating district–Filing. If all of the election districts within a proposed water development district become a part of the water development district as provided in this chapter on approval of the proposed district by sixty percent or more of the votes cast in the election districts, or if the Board of Water and […]

Section 46A-3A-16 – Additions and withdrawals of territory.

46A-3A-16. Additions and withdrawals of territory. After a water development district has been established pursuant to the provisions of chapters 46A-3A to 46A-3E, inclusive, any county, township, or group of townships contiguous to the external boundary of the water development district may be added to and become a part of that water development district by […]

Section 46A-3A-17 – Costs of elections.

46A-3A-17. Costs of elections. The costs associated with an election for withdrawal or addition shall be assigned to the involved county. Source: SL 1984 (SS), ch 1, §14.

Section 46A-3A-2 – Central Plains district.

46A-3A-2. Central Plains district. The Central Plains Water Development District is hereby established. The Central Plains Water Development District includes all of Faulk, Hughes, Hyde, Potter, and Sully counties and all municipalities that lie wholly or partially within the included area or that are contiguous to the included area. Source: SL 1984 (SS), ch 1, […]

Section 46A-3A-3 – East Dakota district.

46A-3A-3. East Dakota district. The East Dakota Water Development District is hereby established. The East Dakota Water Development District includes all of Minnehaha, Moody, Lake, Kingsbury, Brookings, Hamlin, Deuel, Codington and Grant counties; Grafton, Belleview, Adams, Henden, Howard, Clearwater, Canova and Vermillion townships in Miner County; and all municipalities that are wholly or partially within […]

Section 46A-3A-4 – James River district.

46A-3A-4. James River district. The James River Water Development District is hereby established. The James River Water Development District includes all of Brown, Spink, Beadle, Sanborn, Davison, Hanson, Hutchinson, and Yankton counties; Buffalo, Dayton, Dumarce, Eden, Fort, Hamilton, Hickman, Lake, Lowell, Miller, Newark, Newport, Pleasant Valley, Red Iron Lake, Sisseton, Stena, Waverly, Weston, and Wismer […]

Section 46A-3A-5 – South Central district.

46A-3A-5. South Central district. The South Central Water Development District is hereby established. The South Central Water Development District includes all of Charles Mix, Brule, Buffalo, Bon Homme, Douglas, and Gregory counties; Patten, Lake, White Lake, Eureka, Gales, Crystal Lake, Washington, Center, and Truro townships in Aurora County; and the portion of Lyman County south […]

Section 46A-3A-6 – West Dakota district.

46A-3A-6. West Dakota district. The West Dakota Water Development District is hereby established. The West Dakota Water Development District includes that portion of Pennington County west of the Cheyenne River. Source: SL 1984 (SS), ch 1, §11A.

Section 46A-3A-7 – West River district.

46A-3A-7. West River district. The West River Water Development District is hereby established. The West River Water Development District includes all of Jones, Mellette, and Haakon counties, the portion of Jackson County north of the White River except Interior township and the unorganized Cedar township, the portion of Pennington County east of the Cheyenne River, […]

Section 46A-3A-7.1 – Vermillion basin district.

46A-3A-7.1. Vermillion basin district. The Vermillion Basin Water Development District is hereby established. The Vermillion Basin Water Development District includes all of Turner and Clay counties. Source: SL 1990, ch 362, §1.

Section 46A-3A-8 – Petition for election on establishment of district.

46A-3A-8. Petition for election on establishment of district. Fifteen percent of the residents and voters in a geographical area may petition the Board of Water and Natural Resources to submit to an election the question of whether the geographical area shall become a water development district. Source: SL 1984 (SS), ch 1, §13A; SL 2011, […]

Section 46A-3A-9 – Contents and form of petition.

46A-3A-9. Contents and form of petition. A petition arising under the provisions of §46A-3A-8 shall describe the exact boundaries of the area to be included within the proposed water development district, and each person signing the petition shall add to the person’s signature, in the person’s own handwriting, the person’s place of residence, and the […]