5-9-33. Issuance to bankrupt of patent to land set aside as homestead. When, in the adjudication of an estate in bankruptcy proceedings, a portion of a legal subdivision has been decreed and set apart to the bankrupt as exempt under the homestead laws of the state, and a plat showing the exact boundaries of the […]
5-9-34. Sale for public purposes of tract not exceeding one hundred sixty acres. Whenever a civil, state, religious, or public organization makes an application for the purchase of any common school or endowment land to be used for public purposes, not exceeding one hundred sixty acres, and files a plat and a statement of the […]
5-9-35. Conveyance of tract not exceeding one hundred sixty acres–Reversion to state. Upon the payment of the full amount of the appraised price of such tract, a conveyance may be executed by the Governor, attested by the commissioner of school and public lands, with the seal affixed, conditioned that should such lands cease to be […]
5-9-36. Sale of improvements on school and public lands authorized. Whenever the right, title, and interest in improvements upon school and public lands shall have vested in the state, the commissioner of school and public lands is authorized, whenever in his judgment it shall be for the best interest of the state to sell and […]
5-9-37. Appraisal and minimum price of improvements offered for sale–Disapproval of sale. When improvements are designated to be offered for sale, the commissioner of school and public lands shall make a list of such improvements and present such list to the Board of Appraisal provided for in §5-9-3, who shall make an itemized appraisement of […]
5-9-38. Publication of notice of sale of improvements–Private sales of small value. Notice of sale, stating the time, place, and terms of sale and description of the property to be sold shall be given by publishing the same for two successive weeks at least once each week, in a newspaper in the county in which […]
5-9-39. Conservation easement for certain state land conveyed to another party. If the federal government conveys the fee title of any land to the State of South Dakota and that land is under the management of the Office of School and Public Lands, the Office of School and Public Lands may reconvey the fee title […]
5-9-4. Designation and appraisal of separate tracts for sale–Reappraisal of unsold land. Such lands as shall not have been specially subdivided shall be designated and offered for sale in separate tracts of not more than eighty acres each, and the smallest subdivisions of those so subdivided shall be separately designated and offered for sale. The […]
5-9-5. Offer to purchase particular tract–Forfeiture or return of payment. Any person may file with the commissioner of school and public lands a written offer on any tract, which offer shall be accompanied by a payment of fifty cents for each acre in the tract on which the offer is made. If the tract of […]
5-9-6. Publication of notice of land sale–Selection and appraisal to be concurrent. If land situated in a county is selected and designated for sale by the commissioner of school and public lands pursuant to the provisions of §5-9-1, the land shall be advertised for sale at public auction by the publication of a notice of […]
5-9-7. Certification and publication of description and appraised price of land offered. Fifteen days before the date of sale the commissioner of school and public lands shall certify to the county auditor, the description and appraised price of the land to be offered and shall cause the same to be published in the legal newspapers […]
5-9-8. Commissioner to conduct sales. All sales shall be conducted through the Office of the Commissioner of School and Public Lands. The commissioner shall at the time appointed direct the sale of the lands designated. In case the commissioner is unable to act, the duties prescribed in this section and §§5-9-9 to 5-9-11, inclusive, may […]
5-9-9. Time and place of sale–Minimum price–Adjournment of sale–Record of sales. Such lands shall be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, at the courthouse of the county in which the lands are situated; or, if there be no courthouse, at the building in which the office of the county auditor is located, and […]