50-7-1. Municipalities includes organized townships and counties. For the purposes of this chapter, the term, municipalities, includes organized townships and organized counties, with any power and authority to be conferred upon organized townships and organized counties as is conferred upon municipalities. Source: SDC 1939, §2.0206 as enacted by SL 1949, ch 5; SL 1951, ch […]
50-7-10. Airport sponsors–Powers–Federal grants–Agreements. The airport sponsor may designate the department as the airport sponsor’s agent to accept, receive, and receipt for federal grants in the body’s behalf for airport purposes, and to contract for the planning, construction, and maintenance of aviation facilities. The airport sponsor may enter into an agreement with the department prescribing […]
50-7-11. Airport contracts subject to contract laws. Any contract for the planning, construction, and maintenance of any aviation facility, made by the airport sponsor, or through the agency of the department, shall be made in accordance with the laws of this state governing the making of contracts. Source: SDC 1939, §2.0204 as added by SL […]
50-7-12. Planning, construction, and maintenance of airport–Leasing and subleasing–Expenses. The airport sponsor that has established an airport and acquired, leased, or set apart real property for purposes of an airport may plan, construct, and maintain the airport, and may lease or sublet the property for airport purposes. The expenses of the planning, construction, and maintenance […]
50-7-13. Administration of existing airports–Creation of airport board. The airport sponsor that has established an airport and acquired, leased, or set apart real property for purposes of an airport may vest jurisdiction for the planning, construction, maintenance, and operation of the airport, in any suitable officer, board, or body of the airport sponsor. The airport […]
50-7-14. Charges for use of airport–Approval of governing body. The governmental agency may adopt regulations and establish charges for the use of such airport, or may authorize an officer, board, or body of the governmental agency having jurisdiction to adopt regulations and establish charges, subject, however, to the approval of the governing body before the […]
50-7-15. Cooperative agreements–Airport improvements–Reimbursement. The department, on behalf of the commission, may enter into cooperative agreements with the governing body of a governmental agency, whereby, the initial expenditures for making authorized airport improvements may be paid from any state aeronautics fund moneys that may be available to the commission and the governmental agency’s share of […]
50-7-16. Interest on amounts to be reimbursed. The commission shall charge a governmental agency simple interest at the Category A rate of interest established in §54-3-16 on the amount of money subject to reimbursement under §50-7-15 from the date of the expenditure to the date of payment. Source: SL 1966, ch 4; SL 1992, ch […]
50-7-17. Airport system expansion and improvement–Project applications–Prior approval–Federal funds–Requirements. No governmental agency in this state, whether acting alone or jointly with another governmental agency, may submit to the Federal Aviation Administration any project application under the provisions of any act of Congress which provides airport planning, construction, and development funds or other funds for the […]
50-7-18. Indemnification agreements–Lands subject to mineral rights or oil and gas leases. The department may in cases where federal funds are channeled through the department, pursuant to the provisions of §50-7-17, enter into contracts and agreements binding on this state with the administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration to indemnify the United States for federal […]
50-7-19. Indemnification agreements–Limitations. The indemnifying agreements authorized in §§50-7-17 and 50-7-18 are limited: (1)To agreements which obligate the department, acting for and on behalf of the State of South Dakota, to refund to the United States of America as represented by the administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration, a sum equal to the full amount […]
50-7-2. County commissioners and municipalities–Airports–Powers and jurisdiction–Airport boards. The board of county commissioners of any county in this state may acquire, establish, construct, own, control, lease, equip, improve, maintain, operate, and regulate airports for the use of aircraft within the limits of the county, and may use for any such purpose any real property suitable […]
50-7-3. Lease of airport to private operator–Liability for negligent maintenance of airport. Any governmental agency may lease an airport or any portion of an airport or any airport facility for operating purposes to any person or corporation upon terms and conditions for a term of not to exceed fifty years as the governing body may […]
50-7-4. Acquisition of airport lands as public purpose–Procedure for condemnation–Exchange of lands. Any lands acquired, owned, controlled, or occupied by a governmental agency for the purposes enumerated in §50-7-3 shall and are hereby declared to be acquired, owned, controlled, and occupied for a public purpose and as a matter of public necessity. The governmental agency […]
50-7-5. Joint operation of airport by public bodies–Purchase of interest in airport–Creation of airport boards. Any power granted by this chapter to counties and municipalities may be exercised jointly by the county and municipalities located in the county or abutting county. In the case of any existing airport owned by a municipality, the county in […]
50-7-6. Acquisition of land for county airport. The board of county commissioners may appropriate money for the purpose of paying the purchase price or award for real property acquired or to be acquired for an airport or landing field, and to pay therefor, wholly or partly by such appropriation. Source: SDC 1939, §2.0202; SL 1970, […]
50-7-7. Statement of intention to establish airport–Protest by voters–Submission to vote. If the question of establishing a county airport has not previously been approved by a majority vote of the voters at an election at which the question was submitted, then any county desiring to establish and construct an airport shall state in the next […]
50-7-8. Authority of municipalities to acquire airport–Raising funds for airport–Authorization, issuance and sale of bonds. The governing body of any municipality may appropriate money, levy a tax or issue the bonds of the municipality to pay the purchase price or award for real property acquired, or to be acquired, for an airport or landing field, […]
50-7-9. Annual appropriations for airports–Taxation. The governing body of a municipality to which this chapter is applicable having power to appropriate money therein may annually appropriate and cause to be raised by taxation in such municipality a sum sufficient to carry out the provisions of this chapter. A county shall appropriate from the county general […]