50-10-29. Violation of regulation, order or ruling as misdemeanor. A violation of any regulation, order, or ruling promulgated or made pursuant to this chapter, is a Class 1 misdemeanor. Source: SL 1943, ch 2, §8; SDC Supp 1960, §2.9908; SL 1983, ch 15, §185.
50-10-5. Local airport layout plan and zoning regulations–Enforcement. Each airport sponsor that is a municipality, county, or political subdivision of the state that has an airport layout plan shall take measures for the protection of airport approaches, and shall adopt, administer, and enforce, under the police power and in the manner and upon the conditions […]
50-10-6. Airport layout–Zones–Permitted land uses–Runway protection zone–Exclusions. The regulations required by §50-10-5 shall divide the airport layout into zones, and, within each zone, specify the land uses permitted, regulate and restrict the height to which structures and obstructions may be erected or allowed to grow, prohibit the obstruction by lights, smoke, electronic devices, or any […]
50-10-6.1. Commission may withhold funds–Proper zoning required. If the local zoning authority does not require compliance with the requirements for proper zoning at an airport pursuant to §50-10-6, the commission may withhold future funding. Source: SL 2014, ch 222, §73.
50-10-7. Incorporation of approach plan in general zoning regulations. If a political subdivision adopts a general zoning ordinance regulating, among other things, the height of buildings, any airport zoning regulations adopted for the same area or portion thereof under this chapter, may be incorporated in and made a part of such general zoning regulations, and […]
50-10-8. Local regulations to be consistent with airport layout plan. Any zoning or other regulations shall be consistent with an airport layout plan. Measures shall be taken for the protection of airport approaches, including not only any airport zoning regulations adopted under this chapter but any zoning or other regulations dealing with the same or […]
50-10-9. Regulations–Limitations. No airport zoning regulation adopted under this chapter may be unreasonable. No regulation may require the removal, lowering, or other change or alteration of any structure or obstruction not conforming to the regulation when adopted or amended, or otherwise interfere with the continuance of any nonconforming use, except as provided in §11-14-16. Source: […]