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Home » US Law » 2022 South Dakota Codified Laws » Title 7 - Counties » Chapter 18 - Corporate Powers And Obligations Of Counties

Section 7-18-1 – County as body corporate–Party in court.

7-18-1. County as body corporate–Party in court. Each county is a body corporate for civil and political purposes only, and as such may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in any court in this state. Source: SL 1874-5, ch 27, §28; PolC 1877, ch 21, §13; CL 1887, §572; RPolC 1903, §795; RC […]

Section 7-18-10 – Agreements with federal agencies.

7-18-10. Agreements with federal agencies. Any county of this state may, through its board of commissioners, enter into agreements with and receive grants from federal agencies. Source: SL 1965, ch 211, §2; SL 2016, ch 44, §47.

Section 7-18-12 – Expenditures for industrial, tourist and recreational activities to nonprofit corporations or associations–Reports required–Inspection of books and records.

7-18-12. Expenditures for industrial, tourist and recreational activities to nonprofit corporations or associations–Reports required–Inspection of books and records. The board of county commissioners may promote industrial, tourist, and recreational activities and make payment from the general fund to nonprofit corporations or associations engaged in promotion either within or outside of the boundaries of the county. […]

Section 7-18-13 – County contributions to safety programs.

7-18-13. County contributions to safety programs. Any county of this state that has a population of thirty thousand or more, through its board of commissioners may, from its general fund, contribute to the support of a program of safety and the prevention of accidents. Such support may be, in whole or in part, to a […]

Section 7-18-14 – Flood control cooperative agreements authorized.

7-18-14. Flood control cooperative agreements authorized. Every county shall have power to enter into agreements with the United States, with the State of South Dakota and with any authorized agency, subdivision, or unit of government, federal or state, to cooperate with and furnish assurances of cooperation and sponsorship as required by federal or state law […]

Section 7-18-15 – County powers in implementation of flood control programs.

7-18-15. County powers in implementation of flood control programs. Every county shall have power (1)To prevent or control flooding within its boundaries which endangers property; (2)To enter into agreements with the United States, with the State of South Dakota, and with any authorized agency, subdivision, or unit of government, federal or state, to cooperate in […]

Section 7-18-18 – Deferred compensation program for volunteer firefighters–Establishment and management–Participation optional.

7-18-18. Deferred compensation program for volunteer firefighters–Establishment and management–Participation optional. Any county with a volunteer fire department may establish a deferred compensation program for its volunteer firefighters. Such a program may be financed by the county or by the volunteer firefighters and may be managed through the county or through an insurance company or other […]

Section 7-18-19 – County authorized to provide funds for air carrier air service.

7-18-19. County authorized to provide funds for air carrier air service. A county may pay compensation to a regularly scheduled commercial air carrier to provide basic or enhanced air service as provided in the Airport and Airway Safety and Capacity Expansion Act of 1987 and may provide compensation to a regularly scheduled air carrier under […]

Section 7-18-2 – Seal of county.

7-18-2. Seal of county. The board of county commissioners shall procure and keep a seal with emblems and devices as the board deems proper. This shall be the seal of the county and the county auditor may not use any other seal. Source: SL 1874-5, ch 27, §§38, 39; PolC 1877, ch 21, §17; CL […]

Section 7-18-20 – Adoption of ordinances to protect groundwater authorized–Scope and purpose–Agreements to implement and enforce wellhead protection program.

7-18-20. Adoption of ordinances to protect groundwater authorized–Scope and purpose–Agreements to implement and enforce wellhead protection program. A county may adopt ordinances for the purpose of protecting public groundwater supplies from pollution. The ordinances shall be consistent with the wellhead protection program guidelines developed by the department pursuant to §34A-3A-17, and may include ordinances to […]

Section 7-18-21 – Temporary campgrounds–Permit required.

7-18-21. Temporary campgrounds–Permit required. The provisions of chapter 34-18 notwithstanding, a county may require that the owners or operators of temporary campgrounds secure a permit from the county before operating as a temporary campground within the county. For the purposes of this section, a temporary campground is any campground which operates at a fixed location […]

Section 7-18-22 – Special events–Permits.

7-18-22. Special events–Permits. A county may require that the promoters of a special event secure a permit from the county before a special event may be conducted within the county unless the special event is carried on exclusively within the boundaries of a municipality. For the purposes of this section, a special event includes a […]

Section 7-18-23 – County funded fire protection services.

7-18-23. County funded fire protection services. The board of county commissioners of this state may organize and fund fire protection services for that part of the county that does not have fire protection service provided and funded by a township or rural fire protection district or by a volunteer fire department that is funded wholly […]

Section 7-18-25 – Scheduling public hearing on sale of gravel–Notice.

7-18-25. Scheduling public hearing on sale of gravel–Notice. If the board of county commissioners receives a petition pursuant to §7-18-24, the board shall schedule a public hearing to be held within thirty days of receipt of such petition. The board of county commissioners shall publish a notice of such hearing once a week for two […]

Section 7-18-26 – Public testimony–Authorization to sell gravel–Resale prohibited.

7-18-26. Public testimony–Authorization to sell gravel–Resale prohibited. At a hearing held pursuant to §§7-18-24 to 7-18-27, inclusive, the board of county commissioners shall take public testimony on the question of whether the county should sell gravel. If, after the hearing, the board determines that it is in the best interests of the residents of the […]