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Home » US Law » 2022 South Dakota Codified Laws » Title 7 - Counties » Chapter 22 - County Warrants And Disbursements

Section 7-22-1 – Verified statement or invoice required before claim allowed against county–Contents–Jurors’ and witnesses’ claims exempt.

7-22-1. Verified statement or invoice required before claim allowed against county–Contents–Jurors’ and witnesses’ claims exempt. Before any account, claim, or demand against any county for any obligation, property, or services for which the county is liable may be allowed, the person who has the account, claim, or demand shall: (1)Submit in writing and verify that […]

Section 7-22-10 – Interest payable on warrants not paid at time of presentation.

7-22-10. Interest payable on warrants not paid at time of presentation. All county warrants shall draw interest at a rate of interest to be determined by the county commissioners of the county until paid from the date upon which they are presented to the county treasurer and endorsed “Not paid for want of funds.” Source: […]

Section 7-22-12 – Call of outstanding warrants for annual payment of interest.

7-22-12. Call of outstanding warrants for annual payment of interest. As soon as there is sufficient money in the special warrant interest fund to pay one year’s interest on one or more outstanding warrants, the county treasurer shall notify the holder of the oldest registered warrant or warrants to present the same for payment of […]

Section 7-22-13 – Failure of warrant holder to present warrant for annual interest-Failure to provide treasurer certain information.

7-22-13. Failure of warrant holder to present warrant for annual interest–Failure to provide treasurer certain information. Any warrant holder who fails to present a warrant to the treasurer within thirty days after the treasurer has mailed written notice to the holder, addressed to the holder’s last known address, loses the right to payment pursuant to […]

Section 7-22-18 – Payment of old checks or warrants at direction of commissioners.

7-22-18. Payment of old checks or warrants at direction of commissioners. Notwithstanding any provision for cancellation of checks or warrants, the board of county commissioners shall direct the payment of any properly issued check or warrant to any person entitled to payment thereof within a period of six years from date of issue thereof and […]

Section 7-22-2 – Warrant required for payment of claim against county.

7-22-2. Warrant required for payment of claim against county. No claim against the county shall be paid otherwise than upon the allowance of the county commissioners upon the warrant of the county auditor, except one authorized to be allowed by some other person or tribunal, in which case the claim shall be paid upon the […]

Section 7-22-3 – Warrant required for disbursement of county funds–Contents.

7-22-3. Warrant required for disbursement of county funds–Contents. No public money shall be disbursed by the county commissioners or any of them, but the same shall be disbursed by the county treasurer upon the warrant of the county auditor specifying the name of the party entitled to the same, on what account, and upon whose […]

Section 7-22-4 – Numbering of warrants–Record maintained by auditor.

7-22-4. Numbering of warrants–Record maintained by auditor. All such warrants shall be progressively numbered, and the numbers, date, and amount of each, and the name of the person to whom payable, and the purpose for which drawn, shall at the time of issuing the same be entered in a book kept by the auditor for […]

Section 7-22-6 – Warrants paid in order of presentation.

7-22-6. Warrants paid in order of presentation. All warrants upon the treasurer of any county shall be paid out of the fund on which they are drawn in the order of their presentation. Source: SL 1874-5, ch 74, §1; PolC 1877, ch 50, §1; CL 1887, §1671; RPolC 1903, §2251; SL 1913, ch 359; RC […]

Section 7-22-7 – Endorsement of warrant for payment by county depository.

7-22-7. Endorsement of warrant for payment by county depository. Every warrant for the payment of money issued by any county, which is not registered because of lack of funds with which to pay such warrant, shall be countersigned by the county treasurer, who shall also endorse on such warrant an order to the depository, by […]

Section 7-22-8 – Warrant register maintained by treasurer–Form and information shown.

7-22-8. Warrant register maintained by treasurer–Form and information shown. The treasurer of each organized county shall keep a warrant register which register shall show in a column arranged for that purpose the number, date, and amount of each warrant presented, the particular fund upon which the warrant is drawn, the date of presentation, the name […]

Section 7-22-9 – Registration of warrants not paid for want of funds.

7-22-9. Registration of warrants not paid for want of funds. If any warrant is presented to the treasurer for payment and no funds in the treasury have been appropriated for that purpose, the treasurer shall enter the warrant in the warrant register for payment in the order of presentation. The treasurer shall endorse on the […]