9-38-1. Municipal authority to maintain facilities and issue bonds–Limitations on campgrounds and tourist accommodations. Each municipality may establish, improve, maintain, and regulate public parks, public squares, parkways, boulevards, swimming pools, camping, and other related facilities within or without the municipality, and to issue its bonds therefor, as provided by this title. A municipality may establish […]
9-38-10. Park board in municipality of first class–Qualifications and teams of members–Salaries of board members. All municipalities of the first class may create by ordinance a park board. The ordinance creating the board shall specify the number, the qualifications, the term of office of the members, the frequency of board meetings, the officers to be […]
9-38-100. Contracts for construction and improvement of playgrounds and recreational facilities–Supervision by recreation board. Contracts for doing any construction or improvements incidental to the operation of a system of public recreation, playgrounds and children’s parks shall be let by the recreation board to the lowest and best bidder in the same manner and subject to […]
9-38-101. Expenses paid out of appropriated funds–Expenditure as other municipal funds. Except as otherwise specifically provided all sums used for the purpose of acquiring, equipping, and maintaining land, buildings, or recreational facilities as authorized by chapter 42-2 and §9-38-78 and all sums required for the general expenses of the recreation board shall be paid out […]
9-38-106. Special assessments for street and sewer improvements benefitting playground areas paid from recreational funds. Whenever any street not under the control of the recreation board upon which any property for public recreation, playgrounds, or children’s parks under the control of such recreation board fronts or abuts shall be improved or repaired, or when any […]
9-38-107. Appropriations for art galleries and museums–Board to control expenditures. A municipality may appropriate money for the purchase, construction, maintenance, and operation within the municipality of a public art gallery or public museum, or both, or for the support of an established art gallery or museum, or both, conducted for the use and benefit of […]
9-38-108. Appropriations for free musical concerts. Every municipality may appropriate funds for the furnishing of free musical concerts to the public. Source: SL 1915, ch 295; RC 1919, §6169 (79); SL 1923, ch 234; SDC 1939, §45.0201 (7); SL 1978, ch 62, §21.
9-38-11. Boards of park supervisors continued as park boards. A board of park supervisors created before July 1, 1939, by vote of the voters of a municipality of the first class shall be continued as a park board under §§9-38-10 to 9-38-58, inclusive, and shall have all of the powers of a board created by […]
9-38-112. Special park gift fund authorized. Any park board may accept any gift, grant, devise or bequest made or offered by any person, private agency, agency of state government, the federal government, or any of its agencies, for park purposes. Each donation shall be administered in accordance with its terms. The park board may establish […]
9-38-113. Special recreation gift fund authorized. Any recreation board may accept any gift, grant, devise or bequest made or offered by any person, private agency, agency of state government, the federal government, or any of its agencies, for recreation purposes. Each donation shall be administered in accordance with its terms. The recreation board may establish […]
9-38-13. Bonds of park board members–Payment of premiums. Each member of the board before entering upon his official duties shall give bond to the first or second class municipality as may be required by the governing body for the faithful performance of his duties and shall take and file in the auditor’s office with any […]
9-38-19. Legal assistance to park board. The city attorney as a part of his duties shall conduct all court proceedings under §§9-38-10 to 9-38-58, inclusive, and shall be the legal adviser of the board. When in its judgment the interests of the first or second class municipality demand, the board may employ special counsel to […]
9-38-2. Municipal power to preserve trees and inclose public ground. Every municipality shall have power to plant and provide for the care and preservation of trees upon public grounds and along the streets and to inclose any public ground. Source: PolC 1877, ch 24, §22, subdiv 15; CL 1887, §1043, subdiv 15; SL 1890, ch […]
9-38-20. Regulations for park board business–Contracts on behalf of city. Subject to the approval of the governing body the board shall make bylaws, rules, and regulations for the orderly transaction and conduct of its business. Subject to the approval of the governing body, the board may make and enforce contracts in the name of the […]
9-38-22. Park board records as evidence. The records of such board, kept by its secretary, or copies of any such records when duly certified by the secretary shall be competent evidence of the proceedings of such board. Source: SL 1915, ch 260, §5; RC 1919, §6448; SDC 1939, §45.2509.
9-38-23. Reports by park board to governing body–Records subject to inspection. The board shall make an annual report to the governing body of its acts and all its expenditures, showing the condition of all affairs under its control. The governing body may require a report from such board at any time, and the records, books, […]
9-38-24. Board authority over parks and boulevards–Concessions. The board may establish, improve, care for, regulate, and manage a system of public parks, parkways, and boulevards and with the approval of the governing body may acquire land for such purposes. The board may regulate the planting and trimming of trees and shrubbery in such areas and […]
9-38-25. Placement under park board of trees, vegetation, sidewalks, and crossings along parks and thoroughfares. The governing body may place under the control and management of the board the planting, maintenance, trimming, and removal of trees, shrubs, and plants in any and all public grounds, thoroughfares, or lands appurtenant thereto throughout the limits of the […]
9-38-26. Qualifications and appointment of park superintendent–Duties and salary–Employment of other officers and employees. With the approval of the governing body the park board may appoint a park superintendent who shall be the chief executive officer under the board and who may or may not be a landscape architect. He shall hold office at the […]
9-38-27. Bonds required of park board officers and employees. The board may require all of its officers and employees, except laborers, to give bond for the faithful performance of their duties in such sum as shall be fixed by it, which bonds shall be filed with the auditor. Source: SL 1915, ch 260, §7; RC […]