10-2-601. Consolidation of two or more municipalities. The process for consolidating municipalities shall begin by filing with the county legislative bodies of the respective counties in which the municipalities are located: (1) resolutions passed by the governing bodies of the municipalities which state their intention and desire to form a consolidated municipality; or (2) petitions […]
Effective 5/8/2018 10-2-602. Contents of resolution or petition. (1) The resolution of the governing body or the petition of the electors shall include: (a) a statement fully describing each of the areas to be included within the consolidated municipality; (b) the name of the proposed consolidated municipality; and (c) the names of the municipalities to […]
10-2-603. Plan of consolidation. The resolution for consolidation shall have attached a plan approved by the governing bodies, properly executed by the mayors and attested by the recorders setting forth the nature of the obligations, assets, and liabilities of the municipalities to be included within the proposed consolidated municipality. The plan shall include a list […]
10-2-604. Duty of county legislative body when petition is by electors. When the petition for consolidation is properly presented by the electors, the county legislative bodies and officers of each of the respective municipalities shall, within 15 days after the filing of the petition with the county legislative bodies, cause to be filed with the […]
10-2-605. Effect of plan of consolidation. The plan of consolidation shall be subordinate in all respects to the contract rights of all holders of any securities or obligations of the municipality outstanding at the effective date of the consolidation. The plan shall be available to the public for inspection and copying. The plan may extend […]
10-2-606. Public hearings. The governing body of each municipality in its plan for consolidation shall set a time and place for a public hearing or public hearings which shall be held at least 10 days after the plan of consolidation and the dates of the public hearing have been submitted to the county legislative bodies. […]
Effective 7/1/2021 10-2-607. Notice of election. If the county legislative bodies find that the resolution or petition for consolidation and their attachments substantially conform with the requirements of this part, the county legislative bodies shall publish notice of the election for consolidation to the voters of each municipality that would become part of the consolidated […]
10-2-608. Contents of notice. The notice required in the preceding section shall contain a summary of: (1) the contents of the resolutions or petitions for consolidation; (2) the consolidation plan; (3) where the resolutions or petitions and consolidation plan can be found; (4) the time and place where public hearings on the question of consolidation […]
10-2-609. Election on consolidation. The election on consolidation shall be held as nearly as possible in the same manner as a general election. Enacted by Chapter 48, 1977 General Session
10-2-610. Canvass of election — Notice of results — Filing of notice and plat — Recording requirements. (1) The legislative body of each county in which a proposed consolidating municipality is located shall canvass the results of the election or elections in the same manner as for general elections and shall certify the results of […]
10-2-611. When consolidation effective — Disincorporation of original municipalities — Effective date for assessment purposes. (1) Upon the lieutenant governor’s issuance of a certificate of consolidation under Section 67-1a-6.5: (a) the consolidation is effective; and (b) the original municipalities involved in the consolidation are disincorporated. (2) (a) The effective date of a consolidation of municipalities […]
10-2-612. New municipality — Ownership of property — Indebtedness of original municipalities. Any consolidated municipality shall be deemed to be a continuation of the merged municipalities, except as herein expressly provided, and shall own all of the assets, property, records, seals, equipment, and be responsible for the liabilities of each and all of the municipalities […]
10-2-613. Governing body until next election. Until the next regular municipal election, the elected officials of the municipalities consolidated into the consolidated municipality shall constitute the governing body of the municipality. The governing body shall elect one of their members to serve as mayor of the municipality and may appoint such other officers as deemed […]
10-2-614. Ordinances, resolutions, and orders. All ordinances, resolutions and orders, in force in any of the municipalities when it is consolidated, shall remain in full force and effect within the respective areas of the municipalities which existed prior to consolidation insofar as the ordinances, resolutions and orders are not repugnant to law, until repealed or […]