10-2-701. Petition for disincorporation — Validity — District court order for election. Disincorporation of a municipality shall be initiated upon petition. The petition shall bear signatures equal in number to 25% of all votes cast from the municipality at the last congressional election. No signature is valid, for purposes of this section, unless it is […]
10-2-701.5. Form of petition. A petition for municipal disincorporation shall substantially comply with, and be circulated in, the following form: PETITION FOR MUNICIPAL DISINCORPORATION To the Honorable District Court of ____ County, Utah: We, the undersigned citizens and legal voters of the State of Utah, and residents of ____ City, Utah, respectfully petition the Court […]
10-2-702. District court to examine petition — Set date for election. If the court determines that the petition is complete, the court shall set a date for the election to determine the question of dissolution which date shall be at least 60 but not more than 90 days after the petition is filed with the […]
Effective 7/1/2021 10-2-703. Providing notice of election. (1) Immediately after setting the date for the election, the court shall order for notice to be provided of the: (a) petition; and (b) date the election is to be held to determine the question of dissolution. (2) The notice described in Subsection (1) shall be provided: (a) […]
10-2-704. Form of ballot. The form of the ballot used to vote on the issue of dissolution shall be separate from any other ballot and shall read substantially as follows: ______________________________________________________________________________ Shall the municipality of __________________Yes (insert name) be dissolved?No______________________________________________________________________________ The voters shall mark their ballots with a cross (x) opposite the word “yes” or […]
10-2-705. Judgment — Determination of claims. The vote shall be taken and canvassed in the same manner as in other municipal elections, and return thereof made to the district court. If the district court finds that a majority of the votes cast favored dissolution, a judgment shall be entered approving the dissolution of the municipality […]
10-2-706. Taxes to meet municipal obligations. The court shall have power to wind down the affairs of the municipality, to dispose of its property as provided by law, and to make provisions for the payment of all indebtedness thereof and for the performance of its contracts and obligations, and shall order such taxes levied from […]
10-2-707. Disposition of records. The books, documents, records, papers, and seal of any dissolved municipality shall be deposited with the county clerk for safekeeping and reference. All court records of justice court judges shall be deposited with a justice court judge of the county to be designated by the court, and other records with the […]
Effective 7/1/2021 10-2-708. Notice of disincorporation. When a municipality has been dissolved, the clerk of the court shall provide notice of the dissolution: (1) (a) by posting one notice, and at least one additional notice per 2,000 population of the county in places within the county that are most likely to give notice to the […]
10-2-709. Expenses of election. The expenses of the election, of winding down the affairs and of dissolving the municipality, shall be the obligation of the municipality and shall be paid by it. Enacted by Chapter 48, 1977 General Session
10-2-710. Limitation on jurisdiction of court to consider disincorporation petition. No district court has jurisdiction to consider a petition seeking disincorporation of a municipality or to order an election based upon the submission of such a petition if: (1) the disincorporation petition is filed with the court less than two years after the official date […]
Effective 5/8/2018 10-2-711. Dissolution by the county legislative body. (1) (a) A municipality having fewer than 50 residents may be dissolved on application to the district court by the county legislative body of the county where the municipality is located. (b) (i) The population figure under Subsection (1)(a) shall be derived from the most recent […]
10-2-712. Power of court — Articles of dissolution — Notice to lieutenant governor — Recording requirements — Effective date of dissolution. (1) The district court may: (a) enforce compliance with any order issued to give effect to this part by proceedings for contempt; and (b) appoint any person to assist it in carrying out the […]