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Home » US Law » 2022 Utah Code » Title 10 - Utah Municipal Code » Chapter 2a - Municipal Incorporation » Part 4 - Incorporation of Metro Townships and Unincorporated Islands in a County of the First Class on and after May 12, 2015

Section 402 – Application.

Effective 5/14/2019 10-2a-402. Application. (1) The provisions of this part: (a) apply to a planning township that is: (i) located in a county of the first class; and (ii) established before January 1, 2015; and (b) do not apply to a planning advisory area, as defined in Section 17-27a-103, or any other unincorporated area located […]

Section 404 – Election.

Effective 5/28/2021 10-2a-404. Election. (1) (a) Notwithstanding Section 20A-1-203, a county of the first class shall hold a local special election on November 3, 2015, on the following ballot propositions: (i) for registered voters residing within a planning township: (A) whether the planning township shall be incorporated as a city or town, according to the […]

Section 405 – Duties of county legislative body — Public hearing — Notice — Other election and incorporation issues — Rural real property excluded.

Effective 7/1/2021 10-2a-405. Duties of county legislative body — Public hearing — Notice — Other election and incorporation issues — Rural real property excluded. (1) The legislative body of a county of the first class shall before an election described in Section 10-2a-404: (a) in accordance with Subsection (3), provide notice of the public hearing […]

Section 406 – Ballot used at metro township incorporation election.

Effective 5/12/2015 10-2a-406. Ballot used at metro township incorporation election. (1) The ballot at the election to incorporate a planning township as a metro township or as a city or town, respectively, shall pose: (a) the incorporation question substantially as follows: “Shall [insert name of planning township] be incorporated as a metro township [insert the […]

Section 407 – Ballot used at unincorporated island annexation election.

Effective 5/12/2015 10-2a-407. Ballot used at unincorporated island annexation election. (1) The ballot at the election to either annex an unincorporated island into an eligible city or to remain an unincorporated island shall pose the question substantially as follows: “Shall [insert description of the unincorporated island or part of an island identified in the resolution […]

Section 408 – Notification to lieutenant governor of incorporation election results.

Effective 5/12/2015 10-2a-408. Notification to lieutenant governor of incorporation election results. Within 10 days of the canvass of the incorporation and annexation election, the county clerk shall send written notice to the lieutenant governor of: (1) the results of the election; (2) for a planning township: (a) if the incorporation of a planning township as […]

Section 409 – Unincorporated island annexation — Notice and recording– Applicable provisions.

Effective 5/12/2015 10-2a-409. Unincorporated island annexation — Notice and recording– Applicable provisions. (1) If the annexation of an unincorporated island into an eligible city passes, the legislative body of the eligible city shall comply with Section 10-2-425. (2) The following provisions apply to an annexation under this part: (a) Section 10-2-420; (b) Section 10-2-421; (c) […]

Section 410 – Determination of metro township districts — Determination of metro township or city initial officer terms — Adoption of proposed districts.

Effective 5/28/2021 10-2a-410. Determination of metro township districts — Determination of metro township or city initial officer terms — Adoption of proposed districts. (1) (a) If a metro township with a population of 10,000 or more is incorporated in accordance with an election held under Section 10-2a-404: (i) each of the five metro township council […]

Section 411 – Election of officers of new city, town, or metro township.

Effective 3/10/2016 10-2a-411. Election of officers of new city, town, or metro township. (1) For the election of the initial office holders of a metro township, city, or town, respectively, incorporated under Section 10-2a-404, the county legislative body shall: (a) unless a primary election is prohibited by Subsection 20A-9-404(2), hold a primary election at the […]

Section 412 – Notification to lieutenant governor of election of officers.

Effective 5/12/2015 10-2a-412. Notification to lieutenant governor of election of officers. Within 10 days of the canvass of final election of metro township, city, or town officers under Section 10-2a-411, the county clerk shall send written notice to the lieutenant governor of the name and position of each officer elected and the term for which […]

Section 413 – Incorporation under this part subject to other provisions.

Effective 5/14/2019 10-2a-413. Incorporation under this part subject to other provisions. (1) An incorporation of a metro township, city, or town under this part is subject to the following provisions to the same extent as the incorporation of a city under Part 2, Incorporation of a Municipality: (a) Section 10-2a-217; (b) Section 10-2a-219; and (c) […]

Section 414 – Transition — Continuity of county process.

Effective 5/10/2016 10-2a-414. Transition — Continuity of county process. When a metro township is incorporated: (1) the operations, services, and functions provided by the county shall continue with as little interruption as possible as the operations, services, and functions are assumed by the metro township; (2) all proceedings pending before the county shall continue without […]