Effective 6/1/2022 10-9a-401. General plan required — Content. (1) To accomplish the purposes of this chapter, a municipality shall prepare and adopt a comprehensive, long-range general plan for: (a) present and future needs of the municipality; and (b) growth and development of all or any part of the land within the municipality. (2) The general […]
10-9a-402. Information and technical assistance from the state. Each state official, department, and agency shall: (1) promptly deliver any data and information requested by a municipality unless the disclosure is prohibited by Title 63G, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and Management Act; and (2) furnish any other technical assistance and advice that they have available […]
Effective 6/1/2022 10-9a-403. General plan preparation. (1) (a) The planning commission shall provide notice, as provided in Section 10-9a-203, of the planning commission’s intent to make a recommendation to the municipal legislative body for a general plan or a comprehensive general plan amendment when the planning commission initiates the process of preparing the planning commission’s […]
Effective 6/1/2022 10-9a-403.1. Station area plan requirements — Contents — Review and certification by applicable metropolitan planning organization. (1) As used in this section: (a) “Applicable metropolitan planning organization” means the metropolitan planning organization that has jurisdiction over the area in which a fixed guideway public transit station is located. (b) “Applicable public transit district” […]
Effective 6/1/2022 10-9a-404. Public hearing by planning commission on proposed general plan or amendment — Notice — Revisions to general plan or amendment — Adoption or rejection by legislative body. (1) (a) After completing the planning commission’s recommendation for a proposed general plan, or proposal to amend the general plan, the planning commission shall schedule […]
10-9a-405. Effect of general plan. Except as provided in Section 10-9a-406, the general plan is an advisory guide for land use decisions, the impact of which shall be determined by ordinance. Enacted by Chapter 254, 2005 General Session
10-9a-406. Public uses to conform to general plan. After the legislative body has adopted a general plan, no street, park, or other public way, ground, place, or space, no publicly owned building or structure, and no public utility, whether publicly or privately owned, may be constructed or authorized until and unless it conforms to the […]
10-9a-407. Effect of official maps. (1) Municipalities may adopt an official map. (2) (a) An official map does not: (i) require a landowner to dedicate and construct a street as a condition of development approval, except under circumstances provided in Subsection (2)(b)(iii); or (ii) require a municipality to immediately acquire property it has designated for […]
Effective 6/1/2022 10-9a-408. Moderate income housing report — Contents — Prioritization for funds or projects — Ineligibility for funds after noncompliance — Civil actions. (1) As used in this section: (a) “Division” means the Housing and Community Development Division within the Department of Workforce Services. (b) “Implementation plan” means the implementation plan adopted as part […]