14-2-1. Definitions — Payment bond required — Right of action — Attorney fees. (1) For purposes of this chapter: (a) “Commercial contract” means a contract for the construction, alteration, or repair of the following if it is not residential construction: (i) a building; (ii) a structure; or (iii) an improvement upon land that is not […]
14-2-2. Failure of owner to obtain payment bond — Liability. (1) An owner who fails to obtain a payment bond required under Section 14-2-1 is liable to each person who performed labor or service or supplied equipment or materials under the commercial contract for the reasonable value of the labor or service performed or the […]
Effective 5/13/2014 14-2-5. Preliminary notice requirement. (1) Any person who furnishes labor, service, equipment, or material for which a claim may be made under this chapter shall provide preliminary notice to the designated agent as prescribed by Section 38-1a-501, except that this section does not apply to an individual performing labor for wages. (2) Any […]