Effective 5/9/2017 15A-4-105. Amendments to IBC applicable to Park City Corporation or Park City Fire District. (1) The following amendment is adopted as an amendment to the IBC for the Park City Corporation, in IBC, Section 3409.2, exception 3, is modified to read as follows: “3. Designated as historic under a state or local historic […]
15A-4-106. Amendments to IBC applicable to Salt Lake City. The following amendment is adopted as an amendment to the IBC for Salt Lake City, in IBC, Section 1008.1.9.7, a new exception is added as follows: “Exception: In International Airport areas designated as Group “A” Occupancies where national security interests are present, the use of panic […]
Effective 7/1/2019 15A-4-107. Amendments to IBC applicable to Sandy City. The following amendments are adopted as amendments to the IBC for Sandy City: (1) A new IBC, Section (F)903.2.13, is added as follows: “(F)903.2.13 An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 13 throughout buildings containing all occupancies where fire flow exceeds […]