16-6a-1601. Corporate records. (1) A nonprofit corporation shall keep as permanent records: (a) minutes of all meetings of its members and board of directors; (b) a record of all actions taken by the members or board of directors without a meeting; (c) a record of all actions taken by a committee of the board of […]
16-6a-1602. Inspection of records by directors and members. (1) A director or member is entitled to inspect and copy any of the records of the nonprofit corporation described in Subsection 16-6a-1601(5): (a) during regular business hours; (b) at the nonprofit corporation’s principal office; and (c) if the director or member gives the nonprofit corporation written […]
16-6a-1603. Scope of inspection right. (1) A director’s or member’s agent or attorney has the same inspection and copying rights as the director or member. (2) The right to copy records under Section 16-6a-1602 includes, if reasonable, the right to receive copies made by photographic, xerographic, electronic, or other means. (3) Except as provided in […]
16-6a-1604. Court-ordered inspection of corporate records. (1) (a) A director or member may petition the applicable court if: (i) a nonprofit corporation refuses to allow a director or member, or the director’s or member’s agent or attorney, to inspect or copy any records that the director or member is entitled to inspect or copy under […]
16-6a-1605. Limitations on use of membership list. (1) Without consent of the board of directors, a membership list or any part of a membership list may not be obtained or used by any person for any purpose unrelated to a member’s interest as a member. (2) Without limiting the generality of Subsection (1), without the […]
16-6a-1606. Financial statements. By no later than 15 days after the day on which the nonprofit corporation receives a written request of any member, a nonprofit corporation shall mail to the member the following that show in reasonable detail the assets and liabilities and results of the operations of the nonprofit corporation: (1) the nonprofit […]
16-6a-1607. Annual report for division. (1) Each domestic nonprofit corporation, and each foreign nonprofit corporation authorized to conduct affairs in this state, shall deliver to the division for filing an annual report on a form provided by the division that sets forth: (a) (i) the corporate name of the domestic or foreign nonprofit corporation; and […]
16-6a-1608. Statement of person named as director or officer. Any person named as a director or officer of a domestic or foreign nonprofit corporation in an annual report or other document on file with the division may, if that person does not hold the named position, deliver to the division for filing a statement setting […]
16-6a-1609. Interrogatories by division. (1) (a) The division may give interrogatories reasonably necessary to ascertain whether a nonprofit corporation has complied with the provisions of this chapter applicable to the nonprofit corporation to: (i) any domestic or foreign nonprofit corporation subject to the provisions of this chapter; and (ii) to any officer or director of […]
16-6a-1610. Scope of a member’s right to inspect or receive copies. Notwithstanding the other provisions of this part, unless otherwise provided in the bylaws, a right of a member to inspect or receive information from a nonprofit corporation that is created by this part applies only to a voting member of the nonprofit corporation. Enacted […]