Effective 5/10/2016 17C-3-101.5. Resolution authorizing the preparation of a proposed economic development project area plan — Request to adopt resolution. (1) A board may begin the process of adopting an economic development project area plan by adopting a resolution that authorizes the preparation of a proposed project area plan. (2) (a) Any person or any […]
Effective 5/10/2016 17C-3-102. Process for adopting an economic development project area plan — Prerequisites — Restrictions. (1) In order to adopt an economic development project area plan, after adopting a resolution under Subsection 17C-3-101.5(1) the agency shall: (a) prepare a proposed economic development project area plan and conduct any examination, investigation, and negotiation regarding the […]
Effective 5/10/2016 17C-3-103. Economic development project area plan requirements. (1) Each economic development project area plan and proposed project area plan shall: (a) describe the boundaries of the project area, subject to Section 17C-1-414, if applicable; (b) contain a general statement of the land uses, layout of principal streets, population densities, and building intensities of […]
17C-3-104. Existing and historic buildings and uses in an economic development project area. If any of the existing buildings or uses in an economic development project area are included in or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places or the State Register, the agency shall comply with Subsection 9-8-404(1) as though the […]
Effective 5/10/2016 17C-3-105. Board resolution approving an economic development project area plan — Requirements. Each board resolution approving a proposed economic development project area plan as the project area plan under Subsection 17C-3-102(1)(g) shall contain: (1) a boundary description of the boundaries of the project area that is the subject of the project area plan; […]
17C-3-106. Economic development project area plan to be adopted by community legislative body. (1) An economic development project area plan approved by board resolution under Subsection 17C-3-102(1)(g) may not take effect until it has been adopted by ordinance of the legislative body of the community that created the agency and notice under Section 17C-3-107 is […]
Effective 7/1/2021 17C-3-107. Notice of economic development project area plan adoption — Effective date of plan — Contesting the formation of the plan. (1) (a) Upon the community legislative body’s adoption of an economic development project area plan, or an amendment to the project area plan under Section 17C-3-109 that requires notice, the legislative body […]
Effective 7/1/2021 17C-3-108. Agency required to transmit and record documents after adoption of economic development project area plan. Within 30 days after the community legislative body adopts, under Section 17C-3-106, an economic development project area plan, the agency shall: (1) record with the recorder of the county in which the economic development project area is […]
Effective 5/5/2021 17C-3-109. Amending an economic development project area plan. (1) Except as provided in Section 17C-1-1002, an agency may amend an economic development project area plan as provided in this section. (2) If an agency proposes to amend an economic development project area plan to enlarge the project area: (a) the requirements under this […]