Effective 5/9/2017 23-15-10. Private fish pond. (1) A private fish pond is not required to obtain a certificate of registration from the division to receive fish from an aquaculture facility if: (a) the pond is properly screened as provided in Subsection (3)(c); and (b) the fish species being stocked is authorized by this chapter or […]
23-15-13. Operation of aquaculture and fee fishing facilities. A person may engage in the following activities as provided by Title 4, Chapter 37, Aquaculture Act, and rules adopted under that chapter by the Department of Agriculture and Food and Wildlife Board: (1) acquisition, importation, or possession of aquatic animals intended for use in an aquaculture […]
23-15-14. State Fish Hatchery Maintenance Account — Contents — Use of account money. (1) There is created a restricted account within the General Fund known as the State Fish Hatchery Maintenance Account. (2) The following money shall be deposited into the account: (a) $2.00 of each fishing license fee or combination license fee; and (b) […]
23-15-2. Jurisdiction of division over public or private land and waters. All wildlife within this state, including wildlife on public or private land or in public or private waters within this state, shall fall within the jurisdiction of the Division of Wildlife Resources. Amended by Chapter 297, 2011 General Session
23-15-3. Diversion of water prohibited — Exception for flood control. Except in anticipation of and to provide for the carrying away and the safe disposal of natural storm and flood waters, no person may, without existing rights, divert so much water from any natural stream, lake, pond or natural lake or pond, the natural storage […]
Effective 5/8/2018 23-15-4. Screens or other devices required — Failure to install after notice a misdemeanor. It is unlawful for any person, company or corporation to take any water from the state streams, lakes or reservoirs for power purposes, or for waterworks, without first furnishing and maintaining suitable screens or other devices to prevent fish […]
23-15-5. Notice of intention to drain or divert waterway. Any person, company or corporation owning or controlling any irrigation canal, ditch, reservoir, millrace, or other waterway leading from or into any state waterway containing protected aquatic wildlife who shall desire to drain any such waterway, or who shall intend to divert sufficient water from any […]
23-15-6. Pollution of waters unlawful. It is unlawful for any person to pollute any waters deemed necessary by the Wildlife Board for wildlife purposes or any waters containing protected aquatic wildlife and stoneflies (Plecoptera), mayflies (Ephemoptera), dragonflies and damsel flies (Odonata), water bugs (Hemiptera), caddis flies (Trichoptera), spongilla flies (Neuroptera), and crustaceans. Provided further that […]
23-15-7. Taking protected aquatic wildlife or eggs unlawful except as authorized. It is unlawful for any person to take any protected aquatic wildlife or eggs of same in any of the waters of this state, except as provided by this code or the rules and regulations of the Wildlife Board. Enacted by Chapter 46, 1971 […]
23-15-8. Seining or selling aquatic wildlife unlawful except as authorized. It is unlawful for any person to seine for any kind of protected aquatic wildlife in any of the waters of this state or to sell protected aquatic wildlife except as prescribed by this title or rules of the Wildlife Board. Amended by Chapter 153, […]
23-15-9. Possession or transportation of live aquatic wildlife unlawful except as authorized — Exceptions. It is unlawful for any person to possess or transport live protected aquatic wildlife except as provided by this code or the rules and regulations of the Wildlife Board. This section does not apply to tropical and goldfish species intended for […]