23-20-1. Enforcement authority of conservation officers — Seizure and disposition of property. (1) Conservation officers of the division shall enforce the provisions of this title with the same authority and following the same procedures as other law enforcement officers. (2) (a) Conservation officers shall seize any protected wildlife illegally taken or held. (b) (i) Upon […]
23-20-1.5. Powers of law enforcement section — Employees. (1) The chief and assistant chief of the law enforcement section, enforcement agents, and conservation officers of the law enforcement section within the Division of Wildlife Resources are vested with the powers of law enforcement officers throughout all of the counties of the state with exception of […]
Effective 5/14/2019 23-20-10. Butcher, locker or storage plant to require proper tag or donation slip. It is unlawful for a butcher or owner or employee of a locker plant or storage plant to receive for processing or storage the carcass of any protected wildlife that by law or regulation is required to be tagged, unless […]
23-20-12. Airplanes or terrestrial or aquatic vehicles — Use in taking wildlife unlawful — Exceptions. (1) It is unlawful for any person to take any wildlife from an airplane or any other airborne vehicle or device or any motorized terrestrial or aquatic vehicle, including snowmobiles and other recreational vehicles, except as provided by this code […]
23-20-13. Signs or equipment — Damage or destruction unlawful. A person may not: (1) shoot at, shoot, deface, damage, remove, or destroy any division signs or placards located in any part of this state; or (2) damage, destroy, remove, or cause to be damaged, destroyed, or removed any equipment or devices owned, controlled, or operated […]
Effective 5/4/2022 23-20-14. Definitions — Posted property — Hunting by permission — Entry on private land while hunting or fishing — Violations — Penalty — Prohibitions inapplicable to officers. (1) As used in this section: (a) “Cultivated land” means land that is readily identifiable as: (i) land whose soil is loosened or broken up for […]
23-20-15. Destruction of signs or inclosure on private land unlawful. It is unlawful for any person, without the consent of the owner or person in charge of any privately owned land, to tear down, mutilate, or destroy any sign, signboard or other notice which regulates trespassing for purposes of hunting, trapping, or fishing on this […]
23-20-16. Enforcement — Procedure. In enforcing the misdemeanor or felony provisions of this code, the peace officer shall follow the procedures and requirements of Title 53, Chapter 13, Peace Officer Classifications. Amended by Chapter 282, 1998 General Session
23-20-18. Interference with, intimidation or harassment of officer unlawful. It is unlawful for any person to interfere with, intimidate or harass a conservation officer or special deputy in the lawful performance of his duty. Amended by Chapter 60, 1975 General Session
23-20-19. Failure to stop at road blocks or checking stations unlawful. It is unlawful for any person to fail to stop at Division of Wildlife Resources road blocks or checking stations where a stop sign or red or blue light is displayed. Amended by Chapter 60, 1975 General Session
23-20-2. Special deputies — Appointment — Duties. The director of the Division of Wildlife Resources is authorized to appoint persons, on a temporary basis, as special deputies. These special deputies shall have the authority to enforce provisions of this code and all rules and regulations promulgated under this code. Enacted by Chapter 46, 1971 General […]
23-20-20. Children accompanied by adults while hunting with weapon. (1) As used in this section: (a) “Accompanied” means at a distance within which visual and verbal communication is maintained for the purposes of advising and assisting. (b) (i) “Electronic device” means a mechanism powered by electricity that allows communication between two or more people. (ii) […]
23-20-23. Aiding or assisting violation unlawful. It is unlawful for any person to aid or assist any other person to violate any provisions of this code or any rules or regulations promulgated under it. The penalty for violating this section is the same as for the provision or regulation for which aid or assistance is […]
23-20-25. Exhibition of license, permit, tag or device required — Misdemeanor. (1) Any person while engaged in any activity regulated under this title, shall be required upon demand of any conservation officer or any other peace officer to exhibit: (a) the required license, permit, or tag; (b) any device or apparatus in that person’s possession […]
23-20-28. Search warrants. (1) A search warrant may be issued by a magistrate to search for any property which may constitute evidence of any violation of the provisions of this code, rules, regulations, or proclamations of the Wildlife Board upon an affidavit of any person. (2) The search warrant shall be directed to a conservation […]
23-20-29. Interference with hunting prohibited — Action to recover damages — Exceptions. (1) A person is guilty of a class B misdemeanor who intentionally interferes with the right of a person licensed and legally hunting under Chapter 19, Licenses, Permits, and Tags to take wildlife by driving, harassing, or intentionally disturbing any species of wildlife […]
23-20-29.5. Interference with hunters or hunting activity — Prosecution under criminal code. A person who intentionally interferes with a person who is licensed and taking wildlife legally under the provision of Title 23, Chapter 19, Licenses, Permits, and Tags, or disrupts an activity involving a legal hunt, trapping, falconry, or predator control may be charged […]
23-20-3. Taking, transporting, selling, or purchasing protected wildlife illegal except as authorized — Penalty. (1) Except as provided in this title or a rule, proclamation, or order of the Wildlife Board, a person may not: (a) take protected wildlife or its parts; (b) collect, import, possess, transport, propagate, store, donate, transfer, or export protected wildlife […]
23-20-3.5. Taking protected wildlife while trespassing — Penalty. (1) A person may not take or permit his dog to take, while in violation of Subsection 23-20-14(2): (a) protected wildlife or their parts; (b) an occupied nest of protected wildlife; or (c) an egg of protected wildlife. (2) A person is guilty of a class B […]
Effective 5/12/2020 23-20-30. Tagging requirements. (1) The Wildlife Board may make rules that require the carcass of certain species of protected wildlife to be tagged. (2) Except as provided by the Wildlife Board by rules made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the carcass of any species of protected wildlife […]