Effective 5/14/2019 23-21-.5. Definitions. As used in this chapter: (1) “General plan” means a document that a municipality or county adopts that sets forth general guidelines for proposed future development of the land within the municipality or county and includes what is commonly referred to as a “master plan.” (2) “Management plan” means a document […]
23-21-1. Acquisition of lands, waters and rights-of-way — Authority of division. The Division of Wildlife Resources shall have the power to acquire lands, waters, and rights-of-way by purchase, lease, agreement, gift, exchange, contribution, or any other lawful means, for authorized activities of the Division of Wildlife Resources as outlined by this code and the rules […]
23-21-1.5. Acquisition of real property held in private ownership — Published notice and governor’s approval required. (1) The Division of Wildlife Resources may not acquire title to real property held in private ownership without first: (a) publishing a notice of the proposed acquisition: (i) in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which […]
23-21-2. Payments in lieu of property taxes on property purchased by division. Prior to the purchase of any real property held in private ownership, the Division of Wildlife Resources shall first submit the proposition to the county legislative body in a regular open public meeting in the county where the property is located and shall […]
23-21-2.1. Management plans. (1) The division shall prepare a management plan for each wildlife management area. Upon adoption of a management plan by the division director, the lands shall be managed in accordance with the management plan. (2) Each plan shall include: (a) a statement of the proposed or anticipated uses; (b) a description of […]
23-21-2.2. Preparation of management plans — Participation by interested persons and local and tribal governments — Compatibility with local government plans and existing rights. (1) The division shall invite persons who may have an interest in how the land is managed to participate in the management planning process. (2) Those persons may include: (a) persons […]
Effective 7/1/2021 23-21-2.3. Review and adoption of management plans. (1) The division shall submit the draft management plan to the Resource Development Coordinating Committee created in Section 63L-11-401 and the Habitat Council created by the division for their review and recommendations. (2) The division shall submit the draft management plan and any recommendations received from […]
23-21-2.4. Procedure to revise a management plan. (1) Any person seeking a revision of a management plan may request the regional advisory council in the region where the land is located to consider the proposal to revise the plan. The regional advisory council shall consider the proposal and advise the division. (2) The process specified […]
23-21-2.5. Change in land use where a management plan is not in effect — Notification to affected persons — Compatibility with local government plans. (1) If a management plan has not been adopted by the division director for a tract of land owned by the division, the division may not change any existing right to […]
Effective 5/4/2022 23-21-2.6. Target shooting prohibitions. (1) As used in this section: (a) “County sheriff” means the individual holding the office of county sheriff in the portion of a wildlife management area where target shooting will be, or is, prohibited under this section. (b) “Director” means the director of the Division of Wildlife Resources. (c) […]
23-21-4. Right of access to lands for hunting, trapping, or fishing reserved to public — Exception. (1) Except as provided in Section 65A-2-5, there is reserved to the public the right of access to all lands owned by the state, including those lands lying below the official government meander line or high water line of […]
Effective 5/14/2019 23-21-5. State-owned lands authorized for use as wildlife management areas, fishing waters and for other recreational activities. (1) The Wildlife Board is authorized to use any and all unsurveyed state-owned lands below the 1855 meander line of the Great Salt Lake within the following townships for the creation, operation, maintenance and management of […]
23-21-6. Acquisition of lands by United States for migratory bird refuges. (1) The consent of the state of Utah is given to acquisition by the United States of such areas of land or water in the state, as the United States may deem necessary, by and with the consent of the county legislative body of […]
23-21-7. Unlawful uses and activities on division lands. (1) Except as authorized by statute, rule, contractual agreement, special use permit, certificate of registration, or public notice, a person may not on division land: (a) remove, extract, use, consume, or destroy any improvement or cultural or historic resource; (b) remove, extract, use, consume, or destroy any […]