Effective 5/13/2014 36-14-2. Issuers. (1) Any of the following persons is an issuer, who may issue legislative subpoenas by following the procedures set forth in this chapter: (a) the speaker of the House of Representatives; (b) the president of the Senate; (c) a chair of any legislative standing committee; (d) a chair of any legislative […]
36-14-3. Contents. Each legislative subpoena shall include: (1) the name of the legislative body or office on whose behalf the subpoena is issued; (2) the signature of the issuer; (3) a command to the person or entity to whom the subpoena is addressed to: (a) appear and testify at the time and place set forth […]
36-14-4. Service. Legislative subpoenas may be served: (1) within the state, by the sheriff of the county where service is made, or by his deputy, or by any other person 18 years old or older who is not a member of the entity issuing the subpoena; (2) in another state or United States territory, by […]
36-14-5. Legislative subpoenas — Enforcement. (1) If any person disobeys or fails to comply with a legislative subpoena, or if a person appears pursuant to a subpoena and refuses to testify to a matter upon which the person may be lawfully interrogated, that person is in contempt of the Legislature. (2) (a) When the subject […]
36-14-6. Fees and mileage. Except state officers and employees, witnesses appearing pursuant to a legislative subpoena shall receive witness fees and mileage as provided by law for attendance before the district courts of this state. Enacted by Chapter 174, 1989 General Session