Effective 7/1/2017 4-19-102. Department responsible for conduct and administration of rural rehabilitation program. The department shall conduct and administer the rural rehabilitation program within the state in accordance with the agreement entered into in January 1975, between the United States of America through its Farm Home Administration and the state through its commissioner. Renumbered and […]
Effective 7/1/2017 4-19-103. Department authorized to approve and make grants and loans, acquire property, and lease or operate property. The department, in conjunction with the administration of the rural rehabilitation program, may: (1) approve and make a loan to a farm or agricultural cooperative association regulated under Title 3, Uniform Agricultural Cooperative Association Act, subject […]
Effective 5/5/2021 4-19-104. Loans — Not to exceed period of 10 years — Agricultural Advisory Board executive committee to approve loans and renewals, methods of payments, and interest rates — Guidelines in fixing interest rates declared. (1) The department may not make a loan authorized under this chapter for a period to exceed 10 years, […]
Effective 3/21/2022 4-19-105. Utah Rural Rehabilitation Fund. (1) The department shall deposit all income generated from the administration of the rural rehabilitation program in a separate fund known as the “Utah Rural Rehabilitation Fund.” (2) The Division of Finance shall maintain the Utah Rural Rehabilitation Fund and record all debits and credits made to the […]