Effective 5/5/2021 4-22-103. Utah Dairy Commission created. (1) There is created an independent state agency known as the Utah Dairy Commission. (2) Subject to Subsection (5), the Utah Dairy Commission consists of 11 members as follows: (a) nine voting members as follows: (i) two from District 1, which consists of Cache and Rich Counties; (ii) […]
Effective 7/1/2017 4-22-104. Commission — Organization — Quorum to transact business — Vacancies — Ineligibility to serve — Compensation. (1) The members of the commission shall elect a chair, vice chair, and secretary from the commission. (2) Attendance of a simple majority of the commission members at a called meeting shall constitute a quorum for […]
Effective 7/1/2017 4-22-105. Commission to conduct elections — Nomination of candidates — Expenses of election paid by commission. (1) (a) The commissioner shall administer all commission elections. (b) The commissioner shall mail a ballot to each producer within the district in which an election is to be held by May 15 of each election year. […]
Effective 2/24/2020 4-22-106. Commission powers, duties, and functions. The commission has and shall exercise the following functions, powers, and duties: (1) to use one of the following means to administer the policies adopted, and perform the duties assigned, by the commission: (a) employ and fix the compensation of one or more individuals who are not […]
Effective 7/1/2021 4-22-107. Exemption from certain operational requirements. (1) The commission is exempt from: (a)Title 51, Chapter 5, Funds Consolidation Act; (b)Title 51, Chapter 7, State Money Management Act; (c)Title 63A, Utah Government Operations Code; (d)Title 63G, Chapter 6a, Utah Procurement Code, but the commission shall adopt procedures to ensure that the commission makes purchases: […]
Effective 7/1/2017 4-22-108. Commission may require surety bond — Payment of premium. The commission may require the administrator, or any commission employees, to post a surety bond conditioned for the faithful performance of the commission’s official duties. The amount, form, and kind of such a bond shall be fixed by the commission and each bond […]