Effective 7/1/2017 4-33-102. Purpose of chapter. It is the purpose of this chapter to promote the safety and welfare of users of motor fuels in this state and also to promote the orderly marketing of motor fuels. Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 345, 2017 General Session
Effective 7/1/2017 4-33-104. Administrative and enforcement powers of department. The department shall administer and enforce this chapter and may: (1) make and enforce such rules, subject to Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, necessary for the effective administration and enforcement of this chapter; (2) acquire and test motor fuel samples to determine compliance […]
Effective 7/1/2017 4-33-105. Prohibitions. It is unlawful for any person in this state to: (1) offer for sale, sell, or deliver any motor fuel which fails to meet the standards prescribed by the department; (2) advertise or display the price of motor fuel without advertising or displaying the grade of the motor fuel and the […]
Effective 7/1/2017 4-33-106. Octane rating determination and posting. The determination of octane ratings and the posting of the octane on dispensing devices shall be in accord with Federal Trade Commission requirements described in 16 C.F.R. Part 306, Automotive Fuel Ratings, Certification, and Posting. Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 345, 2017 General Session
Effective 7/1/2017 4-33-107. Inspection, sampling, testing, and analysis of fuels by department. (1) The department shall periodically sample, inspect, analyze and test motor fuels dispensed in this state and may enter any public premises or vehicle for the purpose of determining compliance with this chapter. (2) (a) Methods of sampling, testing, analyzing, and designating motor […]
Effective 7/1/2017 4-33-108. Locking and sealing of pumps in violation of chapter — Posting notice — Removal of sealed fuel — Resealing. (1) (a) The department may lock and seal any pump or other dispensing device that is in violation of this chapter. (b) If the department locks and seals a pump or other dispensing […]
Effective 7/1/2017 4-33-109. Warrant to enter premises for inspection or sampling. If admittance is refused to the department either for sampling or for inspection of transport invoices or bills of lading, the department may obtain an ex parte warrant from the nearest court of competent jurisdiction to allow entry upon the premises for the purpose […]
Effective 7/1/2017 4-33-110. Interstate commerce — Chapter inapplicable to fuel in transit through state. (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), this chapter is inapplicable to motor fuel being transported through this state in interstate commerce. (2) This chapter applies to motor fuel that is consigned or destined for delivery in the state. Renumbered and […]