Effective 2/28/2020 4-41a-103. Inventory control system. (1) Each cannabis production establishment and each medical cannabis pharmacy shall maintain an inventory control system that meets the requirements of this section. (2) A cannabis production establishment and a medical cannabis pharmacy shall ensure that the inventory control system maintained by the establishment or pharmacy: (a) tracks cannabis […]
Effective 12/3/2018 4-41a-104. Qualified Production Enterprise Fund — Creation — Revenue neutrality. (1) There is created an enterprise fund known as the “Qualified Production Enterprise Fund.” (2) The fund created in this section is funded from: (a) money the department deposits into the fund under this chapter; (b) appropriations the Legislature makes to the fund; […]
Effective 12/3/2018 4-41a-105. Agreement with a tribe. (1) As used in this section, “tribe” means a federally recognized Indian tribe or Indian band. (2) (a) In accordance with this section, the governor may enter into an agreement with a tribe to allow for the operation of a cannabis production establishment on tribal land located within […]
Effective 12/3/2018 4-41a-106. Severability clause. (1) If a final decision of a court of competent jurisdiction holds invalid any provision of this title or Laws of Utah 2018, Third Special Session, Chapter 1 or the application of any provision of this title or Laws of Utah 2018, Third Special Session, Chapter 1 to any person […]
Effective 7/1/2021 4-41a-107. Notice to prospective and current public employees. (1) (a) A state employer or a political subdivision employer shall take the action described in Subsection (1)(b) before: (i) giving to a current employee an assignment or duty that arises from or directly relates to an obligation under this chapter; or (ii) hiring a […]