Effective 12/3/2018 4-41a-601. Cannabis processing facility — Operating requirements — General. A cannabis processing facility shall ensure that a cannabis product the cannabis processing facility sells complies with the requirements of this part. Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 1, 2018 Special Session 3
Effective 3/23/2022 4-41a-602. Cannabis product — Labeling and child-resistant packaging. (1) For any cannabis product that a cannabis processing facility processes or produces and for any raw cannabis that the facility packages, the facility shall: (a) label the cannabis or cannabis product with a label that: (i) clearly and unambiguously states that the cannabis product […]
Effective 3/23/2022 4-41a-603. Cannabis product — Product quality. (1) A cannabis processing facility: (a) may not produce a cannabis product in a physical form that: (i) the facility knows or should know appeals to children; (ii) is designed to mimic or could be mistaken for a candy product; or (iii) for a cannabis product used […]