Effective 5/14/2019 4-45-103. Factual basis for claim as kratom product required — Administrative penalty — Request for hearing. (1) A kratom processor shall disclose on the product label of each kratom product that the kratom processor prepares, distributes, sells, or offers for sale the factual basis upon which the kratom processor represents the food as […]
Effective 5/14/2019 4-45-104. Kratom processor requirements — Criminal penalty. (1) A kratom processor may not prepare, distribute, sell, or offer for sale a kratom product: (a) that is mixed or packed with a nonkratom substance that affects the quality or strength of the kratom product to such a degree as to render the kratom product […]
Effective 5/14/2019 4-45-105. Prohibition on sale to minors — Criminal penalty. (1) A kratom processor may not distribute, sell, or offer for sale a kratom product to an individual under 18 years of age. (2) A kratom processor who violates this section is guilty of a class C misdemeanor for each violation. Enacted by Chapter […]
Effective 5/14/2019 4-45-106. Civil action available. In addition to and distinct from any other remedy at law, an individual may bring a civil action, in a competent court of jurisdiction, for damages resulting from a violation of this chapter, including economic, noneconomic, or consequential damages. Enacted by Chapter 329, 2019 General Session Technically renumbered for […]
Effective 5/14/2019 4-45-107. Rulemaking. (1) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the department shall make rules for the administration and enforcement of this chapter. (2) The rules described in Subsection (1) shall include standards for a registered kratom product, including standards for: (a) testing to ensure the product is safe […]
Effective 5/14/2019 4-45-108. Registration of kratom products — Department duties. (1) The department shall set a fee to register a kratom product, in accordance with Section 4-2-103. (2) The fee described in Subsection (1) may be paid by a producer, manufacturer, or distributor of a kratom product, but a kratom product may not be registered […]