40-1-1. Lode claims — Size and shape — Discovery necessary. A lode mining claim, whether located by one or more persons, may equal, but shall not exceed, 1,500 feet in length along the vein or lode and may extend 300 feet on each side of the middle of the vein at the surface, except where […]
40-1-10. Certified copies of records evidence. Copies of notices of location of mining claims, mill sites and tunnel sites heretofore recorded in the records of the several mining districts, and copies of the mining rules and regulations in force therein and recorded, when duly certified by the district or county recorder, shall be receivable in […]
40-1-11. Interfering with notices, stakes, or monuments — Penalty. Any person who intentionally or knowingly tears down or defaces a notice posted on a mining claim, or takes up or destroys any stake or monument marking the claim, or interferes with any person lawfully in possession of the claim, or who alters, erases, defaces, or […]
40-1-12. Damages for wrongful removal of ores. When damages are claimed for the extraction or selling of ore from any mine or mining claim and the defendant, or those under whom he claims, holds, under color of title adverse to the claims of the plaintiff, in good faith, then the reasonable value of all labor […]
40-1-2. Discovery monument — Notice of location — Contents. The locator at the time of making the discovery of such vein or lode must erect a monument at the place of discovery, and post thereon his notice of location which shall contain: (1) The name of the claim. (2) The name of the locator or […]
40-1-3. Boundaries to be marked. Mining claims and mill sites must be distinctly marked on the ground so that the boundaries thereof can be readily traced. No Change Since 1953
40-1-4. Copy of location notice to be recorded. Within 30 days after the date of posting the location notice upon the claim, the locator, or the locator’s assigns, shall record a substantial copy of the notice of location in the office of the county recorder of the county in which the claim is situated. Amended […]
40-1-6. Affidavit of performance of annual labor or payment of maintenance fee. (1) As used in this section, “assessment work” means the performance of labor or making of improvements on or for the benefit of a mining claim. (2) Within 30 days after the end of the annual period specified in 30 U.S.C. Sec. 28 […]
40-1-7. District recorders — Office abolished. From and after the termination of the office of any mining district recorder now holding office in this state such district shall be abolished and such office shall become vacant. No Change Since 1953
40-1-8. Vacancy and removal — County recorder to receive records. (1) If there is a vacancy in the office of recorder of any mining district, or if there is no person in the mining district authorized to retain the custody and give certified copies of the records, the person having custody of the records shall […]
40-1-9. County recorder may certify district records. (1) When the books, records, and documents pertaining to the office of mining district recorder have been deposited in the office of a county recorder, the recorder may make and certify copies from those records. (2) Those certified copies shall be receivable in all tribunals and before all […]