Effective 5/13/2014 53-9-103. Commissioner of Public Safety to administer — Bureau to issue licenses — Records — Bonds — Rulemaking. (1) The commissioner shall administer this chapter. (2) (a) The bureau, acting at the direction of the commissioner, shall issue a private investigator license to an applicant whom the board finds meets the qualifications for […]
53-9-104. Board — Creation– Qualifications — Appointments — Terms — Immunity. (1) There is established a Private Investigator Hearing and Licensure Board consisting of five members appointed by the commissioner. (2) Each member of the board shall be a citizen of the United States and a resident of this state at the time of appointment. […]
53-9-105. Powers and duties of the board. (1) The board shall: (a) review applications for licenses and renewals of licenses for private investigators and approve or deny the applications; (b) upon receiving a timely filed petition, review within a reasonable time the denial, suspension, or revocation of a private investigator license; and (c) review all […]
53-9-106. Meetings — Hearings. (1) The board shall meet quarterly, unless the board has no business to conduct during that quarter, and shall also meet at the call of the chair. (2) A quorum consists of three members. (3) If a member has three unexcused absences within a 12-month period, the board may hold a […]
Effective 5/5/2021 53-9-107. Classification of licenses — License required to act. (1) Every person applying for a license under this chapter shall indicate on the application which of the following licenses the applicant is applying for: (a) an agency license shall be issued to an applicant who meets the agency requirements of Sections 53-9-108 and […]
Effective 6/29/2020 53-9-108. Qualifications for licensure. (1) (a) An applicant under this chapter shall be at least: (i) 21 years of age to apply for an agency license or a registrant license; or (ii) 18 years of age to apply for an apprentice license. (b) An applicant may not have been: (i) convicted of a […]
53-9-109. Application for agency license — Liability insurance — Workers’ compensation. (1) Every application for an agency license to engage in the private investigative business shall provide to the bureau: (a) the full name and business address of the applicant; (b) one passport-size color photograph of the applicant; (c) the name under which the applicant […]
Effective 5/12/2015 53-9-110. Application for registrant or apprentice license. (1) Every application for a registrant or apprentice license shall provide to the bureau: (a) the full name and address of the applicant; (b) one passport-size color photograph of the applicant; (c) the name of the licensed agency for which the applicant will be an employee, […]
Effective 6/29/2020 53-9-111. License and registration fees — Deposit in General Fund. (1) Fees for individual and agency licensure and renewal shall be in accordance with Section 63J-1-504. (2) (a) The bureau may renew a license granted under this chapter upon receipt of: (i) a renewal application on forms as prescribed by the bureau; and […]
53-9-112. Issuance of license and identification card to applicant — License period — Expiration of application — Transfer of license prohibited. (1) The commissioner shall issue a license to an applicant who complies with the provisions of this chapter. Each license issued under this chapter shall: (a) contain the name and address of the licensee […]
53-9-113. Grounds for denial of a license — Appeal. (1) The board may deny a license or the renewal of a license if the applicant has: (a) committed an act that, if committed by a licensee, would be grounds for probation, suspension, or revocation of a license under this chapter; (b) employed or contracted with […]
53-9-115. Business name and address — Posting of license — Advertising. (1) (a) Subject to the provisions of this chapter, a licensee may conduct an investigative business under a name other than the licensee’s by: (i) complying with the requirements of Title 42, Chapter 2, Conducting Business Under Assumed Name; and (ii) providing a copy […]
53-9-116. Divulging investigative information — False reports prohibited. (1) Except as otherwise provided by this chapter, a licensee may not divulge or release to anyone other than his client or employer the contents of an investigative file acquired in the course of licensed investigative activity. However, the board shall have access to investigative files if […]
53-9-117. Authority to investigate complaint — Filing of complaints — Response — Retention of records — Appeal — Penalties collected. (1) The bureau or board may initiate an investigation of any person advertising services or engaged in performing services that require a license under this chapter and shall investigate if a licensee is engaged in […]
53-9-118. Grounds for disciplinary action. The board may suspend or revoke a license or registration or deny an application for a license if a person engages in: (1) fraud or willful misrepresentation in applying for an original license or renewal of an existing license; (2) using any letterhead, advertising, or other printed matter in any […]
53-9-119. Violation — Penalty. Any person who violates any provision of this chapter is guilty of a class A misdemeanor. Amended by Chapter 212, 1998 General Session
53-9-121. Limited-use license. (1) As used in this section: (a) “Legislative body” means: (i) the Legislature; (ii) the Utah House of Representatives; (iii) the Utah Senate; (iv) a special investigative committee; or (v) a staff office of the Legislature. (b) “Special investigative committee” is as defined in Subsection 36-12-9(1). (2) Notwithstanding any provision of this […]
Effective 5/14/2019 53-9-122. Exemptions from licensure. Except as otherwise provided by statute or rule, the following individuals may engage in the practice of an occupation or profession regulated by this chapter, subject to the stated circumstances and limitations, without being licensed under this title: (1) an individual licensed under the laws of this state, other […]