53B-3-101. Purpose of chapter. (1) It is the purpose of this chapter to confirm and clarify the power vested in the board to pass rules and regulations governing parking and traffic on campuses and related facilities and to enforce the rules and regulations by all appropriate methods. (2) The board may delegate this authority and […]
Effective 7/1/2017 53B-3-102. State institution of higher education defined. (1) As used in this chapter, “state institution of higher education” means an institution described in Section 53B-2-101 or any other university or college that is established and maintained by the state. (2) A state institution of higher education includes: (a) a branch or affiliated institution; […]
Effective 5/28/2021 53B-3-103. Power of board to adopt rules and enact regulations. (1) The board may enact regulations governing the conduct of university and college students, faculty, and employees. (2) (a) The board may: (i) enact and authorize higher education institutions to enact traffic, parking, and related regulations governing all individuals on campuses and other […]
53B-3-104. Establishment of police or security departments. The board may establish and maintain police or security departments for the purpose of enforcing the regulations of each institution of higher education and the laws of the state. Enacted by Chapter 167, 1987 General Session
53B-3-105. Appointment of police or security personnel — Powers. (1) Members of the police or security department of any college or university are appointed by the board. (2) Upon appointment, they are peace officers and have all the powers possessed by policemen in cities and by sheriffs, including the power to make arrests on view […]
53B-3-106. Criminal and traffic laws in full force and effect. (1) All of the criminal laws of this state, including the traffic laws, are in full force and effect on the campuses of state institutions of higher education and upon all other property or facilities owned by the institutions or operated or controlled by the […]
Effective 5/10/2016 53B-3-107. Traffic violations — Notice of rule or regulation. (1) It is a violation of this section for any person to operate or park a vehicle upon any property owned or controlled by a state institution of higher education contrary to posted signs authorized by the published rules and regulations of the institution […]
Effective 5/8/2018 53B-3-108. Violation of chapter a misdemeanor. A violation of this chapter is a class B misdemeanor. Amended by Chapter 148, 2018 General Session
53B-3-109. Jurisdiction of district and justice courts. Any district court or any justice court of any city or county in which property owned or controlled by a state institution of higher education is located has jurisdiction to hear and determine cases involving an alleged violation of this chapter. Amended by Chapter 198, 1996 General Session
53B-3-110. Fines and forfeitures — Disposition. All fines and forfeitures collected by any justice court judge and one-half of all the fines and forfeitures collected by the clerk of any district court for a violation of any of this chapter are remitted to the state treasurer to be credited to the general operating fund of […]