53C-1-301. Director — Term — Compensation — Removal from office. (1) (a) The board, with the consent of the governor, shall select the director on the basis of outstanding professional qualifications pertinent to the purposes and activities of the trust. (b) If the governor withholds his consent from a candidate agreed upon by the board, […]
53C-1-302. Management of the administration — Trust responsibilities. (1) (a) The director has broad authority to: (i) manage the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration in fulfillment of its purpose; (ii) establish fees, procedures, and rules consistent with general policies prescribed by the board of trustees; and (iii) acquire and dispose of lands and assets […]
53C-1-303. Responsibilities of director — Budget review — Legal counsel — Contract for services. (1) In carrying out the policies of the board of trustees and in establishing procedures and rules the director shall: (a) take an oath of office before assuming any duties as the director; (b) adopt procedures and rules necessary for the […]
53C-1-304. Rules to ensure procedural due process — Board review of director action — Judicial review. (1) The board shall make rules to ensure procedural due process in the resolution of complaints concerning actions by the board, director, or the administration. (2) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), an aggrieved party to a final […]
53C-1-305. Attorney general to represent administration. (1) The attorney general shall: (a) represent the board, director, or administration in any legal action relating to trust lands except as otherwise provided in Subsection (3); (b) review leases, contracts, and agreements submitted for review prior to execution; and (c) undertake suits for the collection of royalties, rental, […]
53C-1-306. Board and administration subject to Public Officers’ and Employees’ Ethics Act. (1) Board members, the director, employees, and agents of the administration are subject to the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 16, Utah Public Officers’ and Employees’ Ethics Act, and to any additional requirements established by the board. (2) A board member, the director, […]