53C-2-101. Central index — Administration to maintain central index of trust lands — Availability to public. (1) The administration shall maintain a central index of all trust lands, including interests therein, and shall make that index available to the public. (2) The index shall include the following information: (a) legal description of the land; (b) […]
53C-2-102. Information to be furnished by provider — Director to adopt confidential information rules. (1) As used in this section, “provider” means a prospective applicant, applicant, partner, or lessee. (2) (a) The administration may require a provider to furnish any information necessary to carry out the duties of this title, including financial information, geological and […]
53C-2-103. Director’s authority to examine records and inspect property. For the purpose of determining compliance with any rule or any performance or payment obligation under a lease, permit, or contract, the director may, at reasonable times, places, and intervals: (1) require that the lessee, permittee, or contractor provide any pertinent books, records, or other documents […]
53C-2-104. Preexisting federal mining claims on trust lands — Filing of notice — Conclusive evidence of abandonment. (1) The Legislature recognizes the importance of having an effective state filing system for unpatented federal mining claims located on trust lands prior to the state’s acquisition of title that would allow the state to determine the extent […]
Effective 5/10/2016 53C-2-105. Withdrawal of trust lands from leasing, disposition, or use. (1) The director may at any time withdraw trust lands from: (a) applications for leasing, permitting, sale, or other disposition of any nature upon a finding that the interests of the trust would best be served through withdrawal; or (b) surface occupancy or […]