53C-4-301. Exchange of trust lands — Based on equal value — Lands encumbered by a lease. (1) (a) In accordance with rules of the director, trust lands or other trust assets may be exchanged for other land or other assets. (b) The director shall deliver the necessary patents to other proprietors and receive proper deeds […]
53C-4-302. Public land grants — Board and director to request a survey. The board and director shall take all necessary steps to encourage the federal Bureau of Land Management to complete the survey of public unsurveyed lands for the purpose of satisfying the public land grants to this state in accordance with federal law. Enacted […]
53C-4-303. Public land grants — Procedures for selection of additional lands. (1) All selections of land shall be made in legal subdivisions according to the United States survey. (2) When a selection has been made and approved by the director, the director shall take action necessary to secure the approval of the proper officers of […]
53C-4-304. Public land grants — Transcription of selected lands to be sent to county recorders. (1) The director shall receive clear lists to lands in this state from the Department of the Interior. (2) Within 90 days of receipt, the director shall transmit to the county recorders a certified transcript of all lands within their […]