Effective 7/1/2019 53G-7-502. Schools to be free. Except as otherwise provided in this public education code, the public education system shall be free to an individual: (1) between five and 18 years of age who is a resident; and (2) over 18 who is domiciled in the state of Utah and has not completed requirements […]
Effective 5/5/2021 53G-7-503. Fees — Prohibitions — Voluntary supplies — Enforcement — Reporting. (1) An LEA may only charge a fee if the fee is authorized and noticed by the LEA governing board in accordance with Section 53G-7-505. (2) (a) An LEA may not require a fee for elementary school activities that are part of […]
Effective 5/12/2020 53G-7-504. Waiver of fees — Appeal of decision. (1) (a) If an LEA or a school within an LEA charges one or more fees, the LEA shall grant a waiver to a student if charging the fee would deny the student the opportunity to fully participate or complete a requirement because of an […]
Effective 7/1/2019 53G-7-505. Approval and notice of student fees and waivers. (1) An LEA governing board shall annually: (a) adopt fee policies and a fee schedule; and (b) provide the fee schedule to each student and parent. (2) For the fee schedule, the LEA governing board shall: (a) before approving the fee schedule, provide at […]