54-1-1. Establishment of commission — Functions. The Public Service Commission of Utah is established as an independent agency. The Public Service Commission is charged with discharging the duties and exercising the legislative, adjudicative, and rule-making powers committed to it by law and may sue and be sued in its own name. Amended by Chapter 246, […]
Effective 1/1/2021 54-1-1.5. Appointment of members — Terms — Qualifications — Chairman — Quorum — Removal — Vacancies — Compensation. The commission shall be composed of three members appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the Senate and in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 24, Part 2, Vacancies. The terms of the […]
54-1-1.6. Pro tempore commissioner — Appointment — Qualifications. (1) If a commissioner has a temporary disability or is disqualified from sitting as a commissioner, the governor may appoint a commissioner pro tempore according to the procedures and requirements of Section 67-1-1.5. (2) Any person appointed as a commissioner pro tempore shall possess the qualifications required […]
54-1-10. Conservation planning — Annual reports. The Public Service Commission shall engage in long-range planning regarding public utility regulatory policy in order to facilitate the well-planned development and conservation of utility resources. The commission shall make and submit to the governor and the Legislature an annual report containing a full and complete account of the […]
54-1-11. Prohibited interests, relationships and actions by commissioners and employees. (1) No person employed as a commissioner or as personnel of the commission shall, while so employed: (a) Have any pecuniary interest, whether as the holder of stock or other securities, or otherwise have any conflict of interest with any public utility or other entity […]
54-1-12. Deposit of funds. All money collected by the commission under any provision of this title shall be deposited without deduction in the state treasury on or before the 15th day of each month next succeeding the month in which the same was received, accompanied by a statement showing the date received. Amended by Chapter […]
Effective 5/14/2019 54-1-13. Commission exploration and development of cleaner air options. The commission shall immediately initiate and conduct proceedings to explore and develop options and opportunities for advancing and promoting measures designed to result in cleaner air in the state through the enhanced use of alternative fuel vehicles, including: (1) consideration of the role that […]
Effective 5/4/2022 54-1-2. Powers and duties. (1) The Public Service Commission shall succeed to all powers and discharge all duties and perform all the functions which by existing and continuing law are conferred upon and required to be discharged or performed by the Public Utilities Commission of Utah. (2) Whenever any existing and continuing law […]
54-1-2.5. Procedures — Adjudicative proceedings. Except as specifically provided to the contrary in Chapter 7, Hearings, Practice, and Procedure, the commission shall comply with the procedures and requirements of Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act, in its adjudicative proceedings. Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session
54-1-3. Transaction of business by commissioners — Quorum — Proceedings by less than majority or administrative law judge — Effect of actions. (1) A majority of the commissioners shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business, for the performance of any duty or for the exercise of any power of the commission. Any […]
54-1-4. Official seal. The commission shall adopt and use an official seal with the words “Public Service Commission of Utah” and such other designations as the commission may prescribe engraved thereon; by which seal it shall authenticate its acts, orders, and proceedings; and of which seal the courts of this state shall take judicial notice. […]
54-1-5. Office and office hours. The office of the commission shall be at the state capital in such rooms in the capitol or in such other public building as shall be assigned to it, and such office shall be open for business between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. each business day in […]
Effective 7/1/2021 54-1-6. Employment of staff — Status and compensation — Employees not to be parties or witnesses and may not appeal commission decisions. (1) The annual budget of the Public Service Commission shall provide sufficient funds for the commission to hire, develop, and organize an advisory staff to assist the commission in performing the […]
54-1-6.5. Executive staff director — Appointment — Functions. The commission shall appoint an executive staff director, who shall serve at the pleasure of the commission and shall supervise and coordinate staff functions, assist the chairman of the commission with administrative duties, and perform any other duties the commission may direct. Enacted by Chapter 246, 1983 […]
54-1-7. Secretary of commission — Appointment — Functions. The commission may appoint a secretary of the commission, who shall serve at the pleasure of the commission. It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep a full and true record of all the proceedings of the commission and of all determinations, rulings and orders […]
54-1-7.5. Adoption of internal organization measures. The commission shall have authority to adopt internal organizational measures to effectuate efficiency and economy in the management and operations of the commission. Enacted by Chapter 246, 1983 General Session
54-1-8. Expenses of commission. The Public Service Commission shall be provided by the state with such offices, equipment and facilities as may be proper and necessary for the performance of its duties. All necessary expenses of the commission including salaries of the secretary, and the compensation of all other persons employed by the commission, and […]