Affected by 63I-1-254 on 1/1/2036 54-15-103. Net metering program — Metering equipment — Interconnection agreement. (1) Each electrical corporation shall: (a) except as provided in Subsection (2), make a net metering program available to the electrical corporation’s customers; and (b) allow customer generation systems to be interconnected to the electrical corporation’s facilities using, except as […]
Affected by 63I-1-254 on 1/1/2036 Effective 5/12/2015 54-15-104. Charges or credits for net electricity. (1) Each electrical corporation with a customer participating in a net metering program shall measure net electricity during each monthly billing period, in accordance with normal metering practices. (2) If net metering does not result in excess customer-generated electricity during the […]
Affected by 63I-1-254 on 1/1/2036 Effective 5/13/2014 54-15-105.1. Determination of costs and benefits — Determination of just and reasonable charge, credit, or ratemaking structure. The governing authority shall: (1) determine, after appropriate notice and opportunity for public comment, whether costs that the electrical corporation or other customers will incur from a net metering program will […]
Affected by 63I-1-254 on 1/1/2036 Effective 5/13/2014 54-15-106. Customer to provide equipment necessary to meet certain requirements — Governing authority may adopt additional reasonable requirements — Testing and inspection of interconnection. (1) Each customer participating in a net metering program shall provide at the customer’s expense all equipment necessary to meet: (a) applicable local and […]
Affected by 63I-1-254 on 1/1/2036 54-15-107. Application to out-of-state electrical corporation. An electrical corporation with fewer than 5,000 customers in this state that is headquartered in another state is considered to be in compliance with this chapter if the electrical corporation offers net metering to its customers in Utah in accordance with a tariff, schedule, […]
Affected by 63I-1-254 on 1/1/2036 Effective 5/10/2016 54-15-108. Damages and fines for connecting a customer generation system to more than one customer. If an independent energy producer that is supplying energy to a customer described in Subsection 54-2-201(3)(a) violates the limitation described in Subsection 54-2-201(3)(b)(i), the commission may: (1) award damages to an electrical corporation […]