54-8c-2. Notification to public utility — Protective measures — Procedures — Payment. (1) No person or thing may be brought within 10 feet of any high voltage overhead line unless: (a) a responsible party has notified the public utility operating the high voltage overhead line of the intended activity; and (b) a responsible party and […]
54-8c-4. Violation. (1) Any responsible party who causes, permits, or allows a function or an activity in violation of any provision of this chapter is subject to a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed $1,000, to be imposed by any court of competent jurisdiction against this party and in favor of the state. […]
54-8c-5. Exemptions. This chapter does not apply to construction, reconstruction, operation, or maintenance by an authorized person of: (1) overhead electrical, cable television, or communications circuits or conductors and their supporting structures; (2) electrical generating, transmission, or distribution systems; or (3) communications, cable television, or overhead lighting systems. Enacted by Chapter 250, 1988 General Session
54-8c-6. Association for mutual receipt of notification of activities close to high voltage overhead lines. (1) Public utilities may form and operate an association providing for mutual receipt of notification of activities close to high voltage overhead lines in a specified area. (2) In areas where an association is formed: (a) notification to the association […]