55-5-1. Blind persons — Operation of vending stands or enterprise in public buildings and on public property. For the purpose of providing blind persons with an opportunity to become self-supporting, enlarging the economic opportunities of the blind and stimulating the blind to greater efforts in striving to make them self-supporting, blind persons under the provisions […]
Effective 10/1/2016 55-5-2. Licensing agency — Duties of the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation. (1) The Utah State Office of Rehabilitation created in Section 35A-1-202 is designated as the licensing agency for the purpose of carrying out this chapter. (2) The Utah State Office of Rehabilitation shall: (a) take necessary steps to carry out the […]
55-5-3. Issuance of licenses — Preference to blind persons — Duration and termination of license. The state licensing agency shall, in issuing each such license for the operation of a vending stand or other enterprise, give preference to blind persons who are in need of employment and who have resided for at least one year […]
55-5-4. “Blind person” defined — Certification of blindness. As used in this act the term “blind person” means a person who is blind according to the definitions prescribed by the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and expressed in terms of ophthalmic measurements. Such blindness shall be certified by duly state licensed ophthalmologist. No Change Since 1953
55-5-5. State policy — Construction of provisions. It is the policy of this state to provide maximum opportunities for training blind or visually impaired persons, helping them to become self-supporting and demonstrating their capabilities. This act shall be construed to carry out this policy. Amended by Chapter 73, 2001 General Session
55-5-6. Definitions. As used in this chapter: (1) “Food service” includes restaurant, cafeteria, snack bar, vending machines for food and beverages, and goods and services customarily offered in connection with them. (2) (a) “Public office building” means all county courthouses, all city or town halls, and all buildings used primarily for governmental offices of the […]
Effective 10/1/2016 55-5-7. Agencies to negotiate for food service with the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation — Existing contracts. (1) A governmental agency that proposes to operate or continue a food service in a public office building shall first attempt in good faith to make an agreement with the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation created […]
Effective 10/1/2016 55-5-8. Food service in exempt buildings. With respect to all state, county, and municipal buildings that are not subject to Section 55-5-7, the governmental agency in charge of the building shall consider allowing the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation created in Section 35A-1-202 to operate any existing or proposed food service in the […]