57-16-10. Utility service to mobile home parks — Limitation on providers’ charges. Local water, sewer, and sanitation entities, including those administered by municipalities and counties which provide water, sewer, or garbage collection services shall not receive a greater percentage net return from supplying a mobile home park than said entity receives from other residential customers. […]
57-16-11. Rights and remedies not exclusive. The rights and remedies granted by this chapter are cumulative and not exclusive. Enacted by Chapter 178, 1981 General Session
57-16-12. Waiver of rights and duties prohibited. No park or resident may agree to waive any right, duty, or privilege conferred by this chapter. Enacted by Chapter 178, 1981 General Session
57-16-13. Abandonment. Abandonment of a mobile home space and a mobile home within a mobile home park is presumed in either of the following situations: (1) (a) the resident or occupant of the mobile home has not notified the park that the resident or occupant will be absent from the mobile home space or mobile […]
Effective 5/9/2017 57-16-14. Abandoned premises — Retaking by owner — Liability of resident or occupant — Personal property of resident or occupant left on mobile home space. (1) In the event of abandonment under Section 57-16-13, the park may retake the mobile home space and attempt to relet the space at a fair rental value. […]
57-16-15. Eviction proceeding. (1) Eviction proceedings commenced under this chapter and based on causes of action set forth in Subsections 57-16-5(1)(a), (b), and (e), and eviction proceedings commenced under this chapter based on causes of action set forth in Subsections 57-16-5(1)(c) and (d), in which a landlord elects to bring an action under this chapter […]
57-16-16. Mobile home park residents’ associations. (1) As used in this section: (a) “Park operator” means an owner, operator, or manager of a mobile home park, including an employee, agent, or independent contractor of the owner, operator, or manager. (b) “Primary resident association” means, for a mobile home park with more than one resident association, […]
57-16-17. Authority of political subdivisions. This chapter does not prevent a city, county, or municipality from mediating and enforcing state statutes governing a mobile home park. Enacted by Chapter 133, 2004 General Session
57-16-18. Notice required for change in land use or condemnation — Local ordinances forbidden. (1) (a) The owner of a mobile home park shall send notice using first-class mail to each resident of the mobile home park of any planned change in land use or condemnation of the park or any portion of the park […]
Effective 5/9/2017 57-16-19. Violation of chapter by a mobile home park — Remedies for a resident — Attorney fees and costs. (1) A mobile home park resident may bring a cause of action against a mobile home park for damages or injunctive relief arising from a violation of this chapter. (2) A court may award […]
57-16-2. Purpose of chapter. The fundamental right to own and protect land and to establish conditions for its use by others necessitate that the owner of a mobile home park be provided with speedy and adequate remedies against those who abuse the terms of a tenancy. The high cost of moving mobile homes, the requirements […]
Effective 5/12/2020 57-16-4. Termination of lease or rental agreement — Required contents of lease — Increases in rents or fees — Required disclosures — Sale of homes — Notice regarding planned reduction or restriction of amenities. (1) A mobile home park or its agents may not terminate a lease or rental agreement upon any ground […]
57-16-4.1. Meeting to attempt resolution of disputes. (1) If a mobile home park determines that a resident has failed to comply with a mobile home park rule, the mobile home park may not terminate the lease agreement or commence legal proceedings without first giving a written notice of noncompliance to the resident. The written notice […]
Effective 5/9/2017 57-16-5. Cause required for terminating lease — Causes — Cure periods — Notice. (1) An agreement for the lease of mobile home space in a mobile home park may be terminated by mutual agreement or for any one or more of the following causes: (a) failure of a resident to comply with a […]
Effective 5/9/2017 57-16-6. Action for lease termination — Prerequisite procedure. A legal action to terminate a lease based upon a cause set forth in Section 57-16-5 may not be commenced except in accordance with the following procedure: (1) Before issuance of any summons and complaint, the mobile home park shall send or serve written notice […]
Effective 5/9/2017 57-16-7. Rules of parks. (1) (a) (i) Subject to Subsection (1)(a)(ii), a mobile home park may make rules related to the health, safety, and appropriate conduct of residents and to the maintenance and upkeep of the mobile home park. (ii) A mobile home park may not make a rule that is unconscionable. (b) […]
57-16-7.5. Payment of rent required after notice — Summary judgment. (1) (a) Any resident shall continue to pay the mobile home park all rent required by the lease after having been served with any notice pursuant to this chapter, except a notice for nonpayment of rent. (b) In cases not involving payment of rent, the […]
57-16-8. Payment of rent and fees during pendency of eviction proceeding. If a resident elects to contest an eviction proceeding, all rents, fees, and service charges due and incurred during the pendency of the action shall be paid into court according to the current mobile home park payment schedule. Failure of the resident to pay […]
57-16-9. Lienholder’s liability for rent and fees. (1) Notwithstanding Sections 38-3-2 and 70A-9a-402, the lienholder of record of a mobile home, or if there is no lienholder, the owner of a mobile home, is primarily liable to the mobile home park owner or operator for rent and service charges if a mobile home is not […]