57-6-1. Stay of execution of judgment of possession. Where an occupant of real estate has color of title to the real estate, and in good faith has made valuable improvements on the real estate, and is afterwards in a proper action found not to be the owner, no execution shall issue to put the owner […]
57-6-2. Claimant to commence action — Complaint — Trial of issues. Such complaint must set forth the grounds on which the defendant seeks relief, stating as accurately as practicable the value of the real estate, exclusive of the improvements thereon made by the claimant or his grantors, and the value of such improvements. The issues […]
57-6-3. Rights of parties — Acquiring other’s interest or holding as tenants in common. The plaintiff in the main action may thereupon pay the appraised value of the improvements and take the property, but should he fail to do so after a reasonable time, to be fixed by the court, the defendant may take the […]
57-6-4. Certain persons considered to hold under color of title. (1) A purchaser in good faith at any judicial or tax sale made by the proper person or officer has color of title within the meaning of this chapter, whether or not the person or officer has sufficient authority to sell, unless the want of […]
57-6-5. Settlers under state or federal law or contract deemed occupying claimants. When any person has settled upon any real estate and occupied the same for three years under or by virtue of any law or contract with the proper officers of the state for the purchase thereof, or under any law of, or by […]
57-6-6. Setoff against claim for improvements. In the cases above provided for, if the occupying claimant has committed any injury to the real estate by cutting timber, or otherwise, the plaintiff may set the same off against any claim for improvements made by the claimant. No Change Since 1953
57-6-7. When execution on judgment of possession may issue. The plaintiff in the main action is entitled to an execution to put him in possession of his property in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, but not otherwise. No Change Since 1953
57-6-8. Improvements made by occupants of land granted to state. Any person having improvements on any real estate granted to the state in aid of any work of internal improvement, whose title thereto is questioned by another, may remove such improvements without injury otherwise to such real estate, at any time before he is evicted […]