61-2g-201. Duties and powers of division in general. (1) The division shall administer and enforce this chapter. (2) The division has the following powers and duties: (a) The division shall: (i) receive an application for licensing, certification, or registration; (ii) establish appropriate administrative procedures for the processing of an application for licensure, certification, or registration; […]
61-2g-202. Division service fees — Federal registry fees. (1) The division, with the concurrence of the board, shall establish and collect fees in accordance with Section 63J-1-504 for its services under this chapter. (2) The division shall collect the annual registry fee established by the Federal Financial Institutions Examinations Council from those certificate holders who […]
61-2g-203. Division to publish roster of appraisers. (1) The division shall prepare and issue at least once each calendar year a roster of appraisers containing the information required by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council. The division shall transmit the roster to the Federal Financial Institutions Examinations Council at least annually. (2) The division may, […]
Effective 5/5/2021 61-2g-204. Real Estate Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board. (1) (a) There is established a Real Estate Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board that consists of seven regular members as follows: (i) one state-licensed or state-certified appraiser who may be either a residential or general licensee or certificate holder; (ii) one state-certified residential appraiser; (iii) […]
Effective 5/14/2019 61-2g-205. Duties of board. (1) (a) The board shall provide technical assistance to the division relating to real estate appraisal standards and real estate appraiser qualifications. (b) The board has the powers and duties listed in this section. (2) The board shall: (a) determine the experience and education requirements appropriate for a person […]