63G-12-201. Department to create program. (1) The department shall administer a program known as the “Guest Worker Program” created by this part. Under this program, the department shall: (a) seek one or more waivers, exemptions, or authorizations to implement the program as provided in Section 63G-12-202; (b) issue a permit as provided in Section 63G-12-207; […]
Effective 5/10/2016 63G-12-202. Federal waivers, exemptions, or authorizations — Implementation without waiver, exemption, or authorization. (1) The department, under the direction of the governor, shall seek one or more federal waivers, exemptions, or authorizations to implement the program. (2) The governor shall actively participate in the effort to obtain one or more federal waivers, exemptions, […]
63G-12-203. Coordination with other federal or state laws or programs. (1) To the extent feasible, the department shall coordinate the implementation of the program with other existing state and federal laws that relate to immigration and labor, including laws pertaining to obtaining the privilege to drive and to report citizenship status. (2) (a) If a […]
63G-12-204. Obtaining a permit — Uses of permit. (1) An undocumented individual shall obtain a permit: (a) before providing services to a person in this state under a contract for hire; or (b) in accordance with Subsection (2), by no later than 30 days from the day on which the undocumented individual enters into a […]
63G-12-205. Eligibility criteria to obtain and maintain a guest worker permit. (1) To be eligible to obtain or maintain a guest worker permit, an undocumented individual shall: (a) (i) be 18 years of age or older; or (ii) if younger than 18 years of age, have the permission of a parent or guardian; (b) live […]
63G-12-206. Eligibility to obtain and maintain an immediate family permit. To be eligible to obtain or maintain an immediate family permit, an undocumented individual shall: (1) live in Utah; (2) be a member of a guest worker’s immediate family; and (3) provide relevant contact information and regularly update the relevant contact information in a manner […]
63G-12-207. Application and renewal process. (1) The department may not issue a permit under this part until the program is implemented under Section 63G-12-202. (2) The department shall: (a) create a permit that: (i) is of impervious material that is resistant to wear or damage; and (ii) minimizes the risk that the permit may be […]
63G-12-208. Conditions during permit term. (1) A permit holder shall continue to meet the eligibility criteria under Section 63G-12-205 or 63G-12-206 for the type of permit held by the permit holder. (2) A permit is automatically revoked if after issuance of the permit: (a) the permit holder to whom it is issued is convicted of, […]
Effective 5/10/2016 63G-12-209. Proficiency standards for English. (1) A permit holder shall in good faith use best efforts to become proficient in the English language at or above the equivalent to an intermediate level on a language proficiency assessment test used by the State Board of Education for purposes of secondary school students. (2) An […]
63G-12-210. Verification of valid permit — Protected status of information. (1) (a) The department shall develop a verification procedure by rule made in accordance with Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, for a person who hires a permit holder to verify with the department that the permit is valid as required by Section 63G-12-301. (b) […]
63G-12-211. Prohibited conduct — Administrative penalties — Criminal penalties. (1) A permit holder may not file for or receive unemployment benefits. (2) A person may not: (a) furnish false or forged information or documentation in support of an application; (b) alter the information on a permit; (c) if the person is a guest worker, be […]
63G-12-212. Sharing of information related to enforcement. (1) The department shall provide the notice described in Subsection (2), if the department determines that an undocumented individual: (a) has the undocumented individual’s permit revoked; or (b) permits the undocumented individual’s permit to expire and the department has reason to believe that the undocumented individual continues to […]