Effective 3/16/2021 63M-14-301. Appointment of river commissioner. (1) (a) If the governor appoints the river commissioner before March 16, 2021, that appointment expires on June 30, 2027. (b) If the river commissioner appointed by the governor is also appointed as a member of the authority, the river commissioner shall serve as the chair of the […]
Effective 3/16/2021 63M-14-302. Term — Removal of river commissioner. (1) The term of the river commissioner is six years. (2) The authority, with the consent of the governor, may remove the river commissioner if the authority finds that the river commissioner has engaged in neglect of duty or malfeasance in office. If the river commissioner […]
Effective 3/16/2021 63M-14-303. Compensation. The river commissioner shall serve without compensation, but may receive travel expenses in accordance with: (1) Section 63A-3-107; and (2) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Section 63A-3-107. Enacted by Chapter 179, 2021 General Session
Effective 3/16/2021 63M-14-304. Duties and powers. (1) Before legal action on behalf of the state or the users of the waters of the Colorado River system may be taken under this chapter, the river commissioner shall request that the governor and attorney general take legal action on behalf of the state and the users of […]
Effective 3/16/2021 63M-14-305. Authority consultation with river commissioner. (1) The river commissioner shall consult with the authority in exercising the powers and performing the duties of the river commissioner enumerated in this chapter. (2) The river commissioner shall report and make recommendations to the authority at the request of the authority or when the river […]
Effective 3/16/2021 63M-14-306. Investigative powers — Storage of data relating to the use of the Colorado River system. (1) The river commissioner may investigate past, present, and potential uses of the water of the Colorado River system within and without the state. (2) The river commissioner shall investigate, coordinate, collate, and preserve information, facts, and […]