Effective 5/5/2021 63M-15-201. Composition–Appointments–Terms–Removal. (1) There is created within the governor’s office the “Utah Marriage Commission.” (2) The commission comprises at least 10 members but no more than 30 members, appointed as follows: (a) the president of the Senate shall appoint two members of the Senate; (b) the speaker of the House of Representatives shall […]
Effective 5/5/2021 63M-15-202. Appointee replacement. If a member appointed under Subsection 63M-15-201(2)(c) resigns from the commission, is removed from the commission under Subsection 63M-15-201(3)(d), or the member’s term expires, the governor or commission leadership shall appoint a replacement member within 90 days after the day on which the governor receives notice of the member’s resignation, […]
Effective 5/5/2021 63M-15-203. Commission meetings. (1) The commission shall annually elect a chair and vice chair from the commission’s membership. (2) The commission shall hold meetings as needed to fulfill the commission’s duties. (3) A meeting may be held on the call of the chair or a majority of the commission members. (4) A majority […]
Effective 5/5/2021 63M-15-204. Commission duties. The commission shall: (1) promote coalitions and collaborative efforts to uphold and encourage a strong and healthy culture of strong and lasting marriages and stable families; (2) contribute to greater awareness of the importance of marriage in an effort to reduce divorce and unwed parenthood in the state; (3) promote […]
Effective 5/5/2021 63M-15-205. Member pay — Reimbursement. (1) A commission member who is not a legislator may not receive compensation or benefits for the commission member’s service, but may receive per diem and travel expenses as allowed in: (a) Section 63A-3-106; (b) Section 63A-3-107; and (c) rules made by the Division of Finance in accordance […]
Effective 5/5/2021 63M-15-206. Oversight — Staff support — Funding. (1) Utah State University shall: (a) working in consultation with the commission, hire a coordinator to manage the day-to-day operations of the commission; (b) pay the salary of the coordinator and review the coordinator’s performance; (c) provide other staff support for the commission; and (d) provide […]