Effective 7/1/2022 63N-4-801. Definitions. As used in this part: (1) “Advisory committee” means the Rural Opportunity Advisory Committee created in Section 63N-4-804. (2) (a) “Business entity” means a sole proprietorship, partnership, association, joint venture, corporation, firm, trust, foundation, or other organization or entity used in carrying on a business. (b) “Business entity” does not include […]
Effective 7/1/2022 63N-4-802. Creation of Rural Opportunity Program — Awarding of grants and loans — Rulemaking — Reporting. (1) There is created the Rural Opportunity Program. (2) The program shall be overseen by the advisory committee and administered by the office. (3) (a) In overseeing the program, the advisory committee shall make recommendations to the […]
Effective 7/1/2022 63N-4-803. County Economic Opportunity Advisory Board. (1) (a) Each rural county that seeks to obtain a grant from the office under Subsection 63N-4-802(4)(a), shall create a CEO board composed of at least the following members appointed by the county legislative body: (i) a county representative; (ii) a representative of a municipality in the […]
Effective 7/1/2022 63N-4-804. Rural Opportunity Advisory Committee. (1) There is created within the office the Rural Opportunity Advisory Committee. (2) The advisory committee shall be composed of seven members appointed by the executive director, at least five of whom shall reside in a rural county. (3) The advisory committee shall advise and make recommendations to […]
Affected by 63I-1-263 on 7/1/2023 Effective 7/1/2022 63N-4-805. Rural Opportunity Fund. (1) There is created an enterprise fund known as the “Rural Opportunity Fund”. (2) The fund shall be administered by the office for the purposes described in Subsection (5). (3) The fund consists of: (a) money appropriated by the Legislature; (b) donations or grants […]