65A-1-10. Proprietary geologic or financial information — Confidentiality — Division to adopt rules. (1) The division may keep geologic and financial information, which the provider and the division agree is of a proprietary nature, confidential unless the information is required by federal or state law to be of a nonproprietary nature. (2) The division shall […]
65A-1-11. Division’s authority to examine records and inspect premises. (1) For the purpose of determining compliance with any rule or any performance or payment obligation under a lease, permit, or contract, the division may, at reasonable times, places, and intervals: (a) require that the lessee, permittee, or contractor provide any pertinent books, records, or other […]
65A-1-12. Filing date of applications and bids. Any application or bid required for the lease, permitting, or sale of state lands in a competitive process shall be considered filed or made on the date received by the appropriate division office, whether transmitted by the United States mail or in any other manner. Enacted by Chapter […]
65A-1-4. Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands — Creation — Power and authority. (1) (a) The Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands is created within the Department of Natural Resources under the administration and general supervision of the executive director of the department. (b) The division is the executive authority for the management […]
65A-1-5. Attorney general — Role in affairs of the division. (1) (a) The attorney general shall represent the division in any legal action relating to state lands and, upon request by the director, may institute action to enforce the provisions of this title. (b) Whenever an action is brought contesting a decision or act of […]
65A-1-6. Witnesses — Subpoena and oaths. (1) The director may issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents in adjudicative proceedings authorized by law. (2) The director may administer oaths in the performance of the council’s or division’s official duties. Amended by Chapter 294, 1994 General Session
65A-1-8. Division employees — Prohibited from acquiring an interest in state lands. Division employees may not directly or indirectly acquire any interest in state lands. Amended by Chapter 294, 1994 General Session
65A-1-9. Application of Public Officers’ and Employees’ Ethics Act. Employees and agents of the division are subject to Title 67, Chapter 16, Utah Public Officers’ and Employees’ Ethics Act. Amended by Chapter 413, 2013 General Session