65A-12-1. Authority of division to manage lands granted under the Carey Act. The selection, management, and disposal of lands granted by Congress under the Carey Act is vested in the division, which is authorized to make rules and contracts necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter. Repealed and Re-enacted by Chapter 294, 1994 […]
65A-12-2. Reclamation Trust Fund — Carey Act Expense Fund. (1) (a) All money received by the division from the sale of lands selected under this chapter shall be deposited with the state treasurer. (b) Any sums necessary shall be available for the payment of the expenses of the division in carrying out the provisions of […]
65A-12-3. Water rights to be appurtenant to land — Lien for purchase price — Foreclosure and redemption. (1) (a) The water rights to all lands acquired under this chapter shall attach to and become appurtenant to the land as soon as the title passes from the United States to the state. (b) Any person furnishing […]