Effective 1/1/2017 65A-8-101. Division responsibilities for fire management and the conservation of forest, watershed, and other lands — Reciprocal agreements for fire protection. (1) The division, in consultation with local authorities, shall determine and execute the best method for protecting private and public property by: (a) except as provided by Subsection (1)(d), preventing, preparing for, […]
65A-8-102. State forester. (1) There is created the position of state forester to carry out the provisions of this chapter. (2) The state forester shall be a graduate of an accredited school of forestry, technically and professionally competent, and experienced in administration. (3) The state forester shall be responsible to the director of the division. […]
Effective 1/1/2017 65A-8-103. Forestry and fire control funds. (1) The division shall use money available to it to meet the costs of: (a) managing forest, range, watershed, and wildland urban interface fires; (b) managing insect and disease epidemics; (c) rehabilitating or reforesting nonfederal forest, range, and watershed lands; (d) promoting wildfire preparedness, wildfire mitigation, and […]
65A-8-105. Urban and community forestry program. (1) An urban and community forestry program is created within the division. (2) The purpose of the program is to encourage the planting and maintenance of trees within municipalities and unincorporated communities. (3) The division may: (a) advise and assist municipalities, counties, and other public and private entities in […]