65A-8-301. Legislative finding and purpose. (1) The Legislature finds the health and welfare of the people of the state require the preservation of certain rare, or threatened, or vanishing species of trees to preserve the state’s scenic beauty and preserve its historic past as it relates to such trees. (2) It is the intent of […]
65A-8-303. Application to alter or remove trees. (1) Any person that desires to alter or remove one or more heritage trees from any public property within this state shall before altering or removing any such tree make application to the division on forms prescribed by it. (2) An application for alteration or removal shall be […]
65A-8-304. Guidelines and standards for granting or denying applications to alter or remove trees. (1) The committee shall develop published guidelines and standards to be used by the board in granting or denying applications for the alteration or removal of heritage trees. (2) In addition to the guidelines and standards developed by the committee, the […]
65A-8-305. Powers of division. The division may: (1) grant or deny applications for designation of heritage trees from individuals, local shade tree commissions, or local governments; (2) grant or deny applications for alteration or removal of heritage trees; (3) acquire land if one or more heritage trees are located on the land; (4) accept gifts, […]
Affected by 63I-1-265 on 7/1/2026 65A-8-306. Heritage Trees Advisory Committee — Members — Officers — Expenses — Functions. (1) There is created a Heritage Trees Advisory Committee composed of five persons appointed by the division from among persons who are members of the Utah Community Forestry Council. (2) (a) Except as required by Subsection (2)(b), […]
65A-8-307. Exemption for emergency or permit. This part shall not apply to any emergency when heritage trees constitute a danger to life or property, or to any person whose application for alteration or removal of a heritage tree has been granted by the division. Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 136, 2007 General Session
65A-8-308. Enforcement — Prosecution of violations. (1) County sheriffs, police, and other law enforcement officers within their respective jurisdictions are responsible for the enforcement of this part. (2) The county attorney or district attorney shall prosecute any violation of this part. Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 136, 2007 General Session
65A-8-309. Injury — Violation of part — Misdemeanor. Any person who intentionally or knowingly alters, injures, damages, or causes death of a heritage tree or who otherwise violates this part is guilty of a class B misdemeanor. Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 136, 2007 General SessionAmended by Chapter 229, 2007 General Session